A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-54 Index

French Revolution (continued)

tariffs and, 444

taxes in, 439-40, 443, 444, 464, 466, 474

Terror in, 457, 465-70, 468

Thermidor plot in, 470-71

third estate's role in, 442

voting rights in, 452, 461, 471

wars in, 457, 459-64, 462, 469, 472-74,


women in, 448, 449-50, 450, 454, 455,

458, 466, 467, 470, 471

French Revolution of 1830, 550, 594-98, 605

French Revolution of 1848, 614-19, 616,


failure of, 638-40, 639

June Days in, 626-28, 627, 768

French Royal Academy of Science, 304, 305,

305, 307, 317

French Section of the Working-Class Inter­

national (SFIO), 791

French West Africa, 851

French Workers’ Party, 791

Freud, Sigmund, 808-9, 809, 991-92, 1008

Friedland, Battle of (1807), 489

Friend of the People, The (Marat), 449

From the Other Shore (Herzen), 707

Fronde, The, 157, 243, 252-54, 255, 441

Fry, Varian, 1078

Fugger, Jacob, 3, 4

Fugger family, 3-4, 80

Fiihrer, The, see Hitler, Adolf

futurist painting, 817

G7 summit, 1232

G8 summit, 1231

Gaelic language, 704

Gaelic League, 704

Gagern, Heinrich von, 629

Galen, 292

Galicia, 428, 549, 575, 622, 623, 675,


Galileo Galilei, 287, 288, 296-98, 296, 300,

302, 303, 305, 309

galleons, Spanish, 40

Gallican Church, 250, 420, 484

Gallipoli, Battle of (1915), 903-4, 903

Gama, Vasco da, 36

Gambetta, Leon, 735-36

Gandhi, Mohandas K., 853, 975, 1161,

1162, 1162

Gapon, Father, 721

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 638, 649, 656-57, 656

gas, poison:

in concentration/extermination camps,


in warfare, 895, 914

Gaskell, Elizabeth, 551

Gaudf, Antonio, 814, 814

Gauguin, Paul, 813-14

gays, see homosexuality; homosexuals, perse­

cution of

Gdansk (Danzig), 24, 573, 1 192


in English Civil War, 221

in Enlightenment, 315

in French Revolution, 544

in Industrial Revolution, 554

see also women

General Confederation of Labor (C.G.T.;

France), 787, 980


Reformation in, 109-10, 124

taxes in, 423

voting rights in, 423, 430

Geneva Convention (1954), 1167

Geneva Disarmament Conference (1933),


Geneva summit meeting (1955), 1 154

Genoa, 24, 46, 48, 50, 52, 53, 73, 423, 480,

573, 575

genocide, 1075-80, 1101, 1114, 1213, 1238

see also concentration/extermination

camps; ethnic cleansing; Holocaust

Genocide Convention (1949), 1114

gentry, in England, 190, 215, 217, 353-54

gentry democracy, 245

Geoffrin, Marie-Therese, 333, 334

George, Henry, 790

George, Stefan, 1029

George I, king of England, 388, 391-92, 391

George I, king of Greece, 694

George II, king of England, 331, 392, 407

George II, king of Greece, 1016

George III, king of England, 386, 388,


George IV, king of England, 538, 573

George V, king of England, 704, 798

Georgia, 716, 723, 949, 951, 1194

Gericault, Theodore, 583, 584

German Armistice Commission, 922

German Confederation, 575, 589, 604,

635-36, 661, 662, 663, 665, 667

North, 667-68

German Customs Union (Zollverein), 530,

530, 605, 661, 662, 667

German East Africa (Tanganyika), 830, 904,


German Labor Front, 1022, 1025

German language, 576, 675, 676, 677

German overseas empire, 823, 826, 828-30,

829, 836, 842, 844, 849, 856, 857,

858, 859, 865

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