A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-56 Index

Germany, imperial, (continued)

Russian expansion and, 711-13

Russian Revolution and, 939, 947

science in, 746-47

Second Industrial Revolution in, 745,

747-49, 760, 763

and Sino-Japanese War of 1895, 719-21

in Three Emperors’ League, 868

tourism and, 755

universities in, 749

Versailles Treaty and, 956-58

voting rights in, 667, 696, 979

women in, 790-91, 797, 979

workers in, 693, 763, 784-85

in World War I, 885, 888-97, 891, 895,

896, 899-901, 902-9, 920, 922-23,

924, 934, 936, 937, 945, 947, 948,

951,995, 1004, 1012

World War I, home front in, 897-99,


in World War 1 outbreak, 881, 883, 884,


Germany, Nazi, 1004, 1010, 1012-14,

1020-35, 1117-19, 1131

in Anti-Comintern Pact, 1050, 1070

art and culture in, 1027-29, 1028

Austria joined to (1938), 1049

Berlin under, 1027

concentration camps and, 1023

Czechoslovakia invaded by (1938), 1049,

1051, 1052-53, 1055, 1075

division of, 1105, 1111

economic revival in, 1025-26

foreign policy of, 1030-31

Great Depression in, 1020

Italian relations with, 1031-34

Jews in, 1012, 1014, 1022, 1026-27,

1028-29, 1029, 1071, 1076-80,

1085, 1101-2

labor unions in, 1022-23

middle classes in, 1000, 1014

migration from, 1029-30

military of, 1023, 1024, 1032-33,

1034-35, 1035, 1046-47

Molotov-Ribbentrop (non-aggression with

Soviet Union) Pact (1939) and, 1059,

1067, 1070-71

Non-aggression pact with Poland (1934),


Poland invaded by, 1049, 1057, 1058-59,


population of, 1026

Rhineland remilitarized by, 1034

Soviet Union attacked by (1941), 1065,

1067-69, 1069, 1086

in Spanish Civil War, 1044, 1045-47

totalitarianism installed in, 1022-29

Versailles Treaty and, 1004, 1026, 1030-31,

1033, 1034, 1052, 1053, 1056

wartime resistance to, 1073, 1082-86

women in, 1024, 1025-26, 1086

before World War II, 1049-57, 1054

in World War II, 1057-75, 7060, 1074,

1079-80, 1087, 1109, 1110, 1112

Germany, reunified (German Federal Repub­

lic), 1224, 1239

in European organizations, 1107, 1231,


immigration to, 1221, 1224

Yugoslav break-up and, 1212

Germany, Weimar, 955, 957-58, 969,

983-87, 1130

constitution of, 983

economic conditions in, 983-87, 985,

994,995-97, 996, 1020-21

labor unions in, 983, 1006

in League of Nations, 986

Locarno Treaty signed by, 986, 1033

military of, 957

Nazi rise to power in, 1020-22

police in, 958

post-World War I conservatism in, 982

reparations from, 960-61, 963-67, 984,

986, 995, 999

Versailles Treaty and, 959-67, 962, 964,

967, 969-71,984

workers in, 957, 958, 981,983

Germany, West (German Federal Republic),

1105, 1106, 1148

agriculture in, 1125

cities of, 1142

East Germany reunified with, 1189, 1200

economic conditions in, 1 1 19, 7 720,

1121-22, 1122, 1123, 1127, 1221

in European organizations, 1123, 1131,

1226, 7227

mass culture in, 1144

migration to, 1221

in NATO, 1131, 1181

1960s protests in, 1178, 1180-81

occupation of, 1 1 10, 1 1 12, 7 7 73,

1130-32, 7737

political institutions of, 1130-32

politics in, 1130, 1176, 1178, 1180, 1181,


population of, 1124

Soviet non-aggression pact with (1970),


terrorism in, 1234

Germinal (Zola), 801

Gestapo, 1023, 1026, 1076, 1085

Gesu Church, Rome, 123

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