A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-57

Ghana, 849, 1171

ghettos, Jewish, 16, 115, 235, 338

Gibbon, Edward, 328, 333, 353

Gibraltar, 417

capture of (1704), 280, 281

Gierek, Edward, 1191

Gilbert, William, 295

Gin Lane (Hogarth), 331, 331

Giolitti, Giovanni, 659, 660, 682, 1007, 1021

Giotto di Bondone, 67, 67, 577

Girondins (France), 457, 463-64, 466, 467,


Giscard d’Estaing, Valery, 1181, 1183, 1226

Gladstone, William, 694, 694, 695, 698,

699, 700, 823, 833

glasnost, 1193

Gleaners, The (Millet), 800, 800

globalization, 1219, 1231-33, 1232, 1238

Globe Theater, 195, 195

Glorious Revolution (1688), 163, 208,226-31,

240, 241, 310, 390, 404, 409, 410

Godard, Jean-Luc, 1139

Goebbels, Joseph, 1028, 1100

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 461, 583

Gogol, Nikolai, 707, 717


in Americas, 36, 37, 39, 168, 171, 174,

196, 201,387

in South Africa, 832, 833, 855

Gold Coast, 848

Goldsmith, Oliver, 361

Gomulka, Wladislaw, 1152, 1153

Gonzaga family, 50, 62

Gonzalez, Felipe, 1186

Goodbye to All That (Graves), 992

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 1106-7, 1177, 1177,

1193-96, 1199, 1206-9

Gordon, Charles “Chinese,” 831-32, 858

Gordon riots (Britain; 1788), 340, 430

Goring, Hermann, 1022, 1025, 1076, 1088,

1099, 1118

Gorky, Maxim, 945

Gouges, Olympe de, 454, 459, 467

government administration:

in Austria-Hungary, 898

in European colonies, 847-52

in Germany, 663

in Great Britain, 405-7, 580-81, 609,


in Habsburg Austria, 263, 395

in Hungary, 30

in modern France, 483, 495, 1126

in Old Regime France, 255-56, 260,

346-47, 435

in Papal States, 577

in Prussia, 267, 341

in Russia, 273-74, 591, 710

state intervention and, 544-47

utilitarian view of, 581

after World War II, 1126-27

government and politics:

conservative ideology of, 578-79

Enlightenment views of, 313, 315, 317,

318-19, 324-25

in Italian Renaissance, 50-55, 76-78

Machiavelli on, 76-78

in medieval period, 5-6

in Napoleonic France, 483, 495

in Netherlands, 232-33, 241

in Ottoman Empire, 425-27

Reformation and, 95-96, 98-99, 101,

106, 109-10, 124

in Switzerland, 28

see also absolutism; mass politics; monar­

chies; reform movements; representa­

tive and constitutional government;

Revolution of 1830; Revolutions of

1848; states, sovereign; voting rights

Government of Ireland Act (Great Britain;

1920), 975

Goya, Francisco, 501

Gracchus (Fran^ois-Noel Babeuf), 473

Grahame, Kenneth, 809

gramophone, 755

Grand Remonstrance (England; 1641), 216-17

Graves, Robert, 911, 992

gravitation, theory of, 295, 300

Great Britain, 241, 277, 326, 337-38,

560-61,645, 673, 683

agriculture in, 283, 344, 360-61, 362, 363,

518, 547-49, 559, 610-12, 1125,


alcoholism in, 805, 806

anarchism in, 793

arts in, 329-30, 331

in Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, 880

in Bosnian Crisis of 1908, 878-79

in Boxer Rebellion, 841, 871

Boy Scouts in, 781

Catholic Church in, 337-38, 339-40,

410, 430, 452, 607, 688, 693

cens^ship in, 991

charity in, 545, 545

Chartist movement in, 609-10, 613, 696

child labor in, 555-56, 697-98, 764

church attendance in, 688

cities of, 375-77, 377, 549, 550, 551,

556-57, 766, 767, 1142; see also London

civil service in, 772

colonies of, see British Empire

and Congress of Vienna, 569-76, 587

creation of, 390

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