A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-58 Index

Great Britain (continued)

crime and police in, 382-84, 384,

545-46, 550

in Crimean War, 653, 688-92, 689, 692,

694, 866

and Danish-Prussian War of 1864,

664-66, 679

Dutch wars with, 424

early economic conditions in, 343,

371-73, 405-6, 697

economic policy in, 524—26

education in, 353, 542, 544, 546, 749,

772-73, 775-76, 776, 1124

1848 unrest and, 613

eighteenth-century dynastic struggles in,


eighteenth-century nationalism in, 410-1 I

eighteenth-century political change in,

404-12, 430

eighteenth-century radicals in, 412-14

in eighteenth-century rivalries, 386, 387

Enlightenment in, 312

in European organizations, 1115, 1226,

1227, 1228, 1231

in Falkland Islands War, 1182

fascism in, 1020

films in, 1139

financial institutions of, 373-75

Franco-Prussian War and, 668, 731

French Revolution and, 436, 458, 463,

466, 473-74, 476-77, 481,482

German reunification and, 1200

government administration in, 405-7,

580-81, 609, 695-99

Great Depression in, 994, 995-96, 996, 997

and Greek uprising of 1821, 589, 591

guilds in, 367

Industrial Revolution in, 514-15, 524-27,

524, 529, 547-48, 553-54, 555-58,


inter-war politics in, 982, 986-88, 993

inventions in, 368-71

and Iraq invasion, 1237, 1237

Irish Home Rule and independence issues

in, 699-700, 704, 886, 912, 966,

974-75, 1187-88

Israel, foundation of, 1163

Italian unification and, 653, 654

Japanese treaty with (1902), 720

in Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1032

labor unions in, 701-2, 703, 787, 982,

987-88, 1006, 1181

land ownership in, 353, 362, 518, 526,

534, 699

in League of Nations, 961

liberal economic theory in, 580-82, 611

literacy in, 328

literature in, 541, 543-44, 551, 553, 582

Locarno treaty signed by, 986, 1033

manufacturing in, 368-71, 373, 607

mass culture in, 1143-44

mass politics in, 698-705

middle classes in, 328, 355, 532, 534, 535,

536, 539, 543-44, 557, 585, 605,

607, 612, 685,„687, 698, 771, 1000

migration from, 762

migration to, 1029-30, 1222

military of, 402, 403, 405, 1035

monarchy of, 386, 408-9, 411

in Moroccan Crisis of 1905, 873

in Moroccan Crisis of 191 1, 879

Napoleonic embargo against, 498-500, 504

Napoleonic Wars and, 482-83, 486, 488,

489, 498-500, 506, 509-10

nationalism in, 458, 459, 857-58, 871,


in NATO, 1115

Nazi pre-war relations with, 1030,

1032-33, 1034, 1049, 1050-57

nineteenth-century reforms in, 605-12

nobles and gentry of, 349, 353-54, 378-79,

379, 382, 408, 410-11, 535, 577, 703

Northern Ireland conflicts in, 1187-88,


nuclear weapons of, 1149, 1 160

offshore oil of, 1145

Old Regime French wars with, 280-81,

390, 394, 438

overseas trade of, 281,405, 410-11,

415-16, 419, 728, 749, 769

party politics developed in, 408-10

Piraeus blockaded by (1850), 693

population growth in, 20, 364, 364,

515-16, 5/6, 758, 759

post-World War I conservatism in, 982

post-World War II economic conditions in,

1115, 1119, 1120, 1120, 1122, 1123,

1124, 1127, 1181-82, 1222

post-World War II politics in, 1127, 1 176,

1178, 1180, 1181-82

post-World War II settlement and,

1110-11, 1112, 1113, 1114

poverty in, 381, 383, 546, 559, 605, 695,

696, 785-86

in pre-World War 1 alliances, 647, 866,

868, 871-75, 878-79, 880

print media in, 412-14, 911

prostitution in, 766

Protestant Dissenters in, 326, 390

railroads in, 519-23, 520, 521

reform movements in, 695-98, 785-86, 787

religion as moral guide in, 543-44

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