A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-62 Index

Hungarian Democratic Forum, 1 197, 1198

Hungary, Hungarians, 5, 18, 19, 262-64,

675, 675, 676, 678, 679-80

agriculture in, 24

cities of, 770

and Congress of Vienna, 571, 576

in Czechoslovakia, 970

in Dual Monarchy with Austria, see

Austria-Hungary, Dual Monarchy of

1848-1849 unrest in, 614, 621, 630, 632,

634-35, 641, 642, 643

as emerging state, 18, 19

ethnic groups in, 680-81

government in, 30, 265

Magyarization of, 682

nationalism in, 621, 958

nobles and aristocrats of, 263, 265, 351,

351, 380, 458, 576, 613, 621, 623,

676, 679-80

Parliament of, 682

Protestants in, 338, 452

revolutionary government of, 953

in Romania, 1204, 1239

science in, 306

taxes in, 265

in Thirty Years’War, 147, 148, 157

Turkish alliance with, 263-65

Turkish wars with, 101, 178

voting rights in, 623

and War of the Austrian Succession, 395

in Yugoslavia, 970, 1032

Hungary, independent, 922, 958-59, 969,

970, 1053

agriculture in, 11 53

ethnic conflicts in, 1190

fall of communism in, 1177, 1190, 1196,

1197-98, 1198, 1199, 1215

independence of, 958-59

inter-war authoritarianism in, 1015

Jews in, 959

land ownership in, 958—59

1956 revolt in, 1153, 1154, 1166

peasants in, 958-59

post-Communist era in, 1215

post-World War II economic conditions in,

1 134

post-World War II settlement and, 1111,


reform movements in (1980s), 1107

revolt in (1956), 1105

Soviet domination of, 1132, 1133, 1190,


Versailles Settlements and, 967

in World War II, 1066, 1067, 1075, 1079

Hungary/Hungarians, 427

see also Magyars

hunting, 382, 383

Hus, Jan, 88-89, 89

Hussein, Saddam, 1236

Hussites, 89, 94, 100, /05, 147

Huxley, T. H., 796

Hymn of Apollo (Shelley), 583

Ibarruri, Dolores (“La Pasionaria”), 1047, 1047

Ibsen, Henrik, 801

Iceland, 1115

iconoclasm, 103, 104, 108, 131


German, 345-46

in painting, 82

Ignatius of Loyola, 115-16

Illyria, 491, 575

Imitation of Christ (Thomas a Kempis), 116

immigration, see migration

imperialism, 647, 703, 790, 819-59

in Africa, 819-35

agriculture and, 846-47

in Asia, 835-42

“civilizing mission” in, 852-54

colonial administration of, 847-52

decolonization and, 1106, 1156, 1160-75,


domination of indigenous peoples in,


economic aspects of, 846-47, 846, 854—57

goals of, 852-59

indigenous subversion of, 845-46

in inter-war period, 972-77

nationalism and, 647, 857-59

Social Darwinism and, 843-45

technological domination in, 845-46

trade and commerce and, 821—23,

829-30, 836, 838-39, 841-42,

846-47, 846, 849-50, 854-57

see also specific empires

Imperial Recess (1803), 486

impressionism, 802-4

Inca Empire, 37

Independent Labour Party (Great Britain),

702, 702

Independent party (English Civil War),

219-20, 221,222, 224

Independent Social Democrats (Germany),

957, 958

Index of Forbidden Ideas or Books, 305, 309

India, 389, 1149

alliances of, 1154

British colonization of, 474, 589, 821-22,

835-39, 845, 848, 850, 852, 857,

873, 975

drugs from, 806

independence of, 1161-63, 1162

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