A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-63

missionaries to, 41

population of, 1 124

in Seven Years’ War, 399-400

textile manufacturing in, 419

trade with, 24, 36, 47, 73, 372, 388, 389

Versailles Treaty and, 972

workers from, 853

India Act (Great Britain; 1784), 418

Indians, see American Indians

individualism, 687

Indochina, 729, 829, 839, 851, 871, 976

Indonesia, 835, 846, 855, 1163

indulgences, sales of, 80, 81, 90, 93, 94, 116

Industrial Revolution, 283, 350, 385, 419,

434, 512, 513-68, 525, 532

beginnings of, 360-75

human costs of, 513-14

impact of, 547-53

migration and, 551-53

preconditions for, 514-23

reaction against, 561

socialism and, 563

in Southern and Eastern Europe, 531-32

variety of national experiences of, 524-32

Industrial Revolution, Second, 645, 744-48,

750, 752, 783

artists’ responses to, 809-10

chemical revolution in, 747-48

cities of, 758-59, 766-71

communications in, 755

consumerism in, 743, 778-81

culture change in, 773-78

electric revolution in, 746-47, 753

improving standards of living in, 760-61

leisure in, 778-79

regional variation in, 748-53

social changes in, 758-73

social mobility in, 771-73

social theorists’ analyses of, 804-7

transportation in, 753-55

industry, see manufacturing

Inferno (Dante), 289, 289

inflation, 30, 201, 214, 965-66, 965, 971,

985, 1006, 1119, 1121, 1146, 1232

inheritance, 496, 534

Innocent XI, pope, 264

In Praise of Folly (Erasmus), 84

Inquisition, 287, 298, 323, 339

in Portugal, 339

Spanish, 111, 173, 208, 212, 339, 503

Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin),


insurance programs, for workers, 784-86, 982

see also welfare state

International Congresses on Women’s Rights

and Feminine Institutions (1889), 797

International Criminal Tribunal (Hague Tri­

bunal), 1213

international law, origins of, 261-62

International Monetary Fund, 1216

International Women’s Suffrage Alliance,


International Working-Class Alliance (Black

International), 793

Internet, 1143, 1217

In the Salon at the Rue des Moulins

(Toulouse-Lautrec), 765

“Intolerable Acts” (Great Britain; 1774), 416

IRA, see Irish Republican Army

Iran, 1236

Iraq, 967, 968, 974, 1165, 1236-37, 1239,


Ireland, 166, 607

agriculture in, 699—700

Black and Tans in, 975, 976

Catholic Church in, 699

English control of, 179, 180-81, 186-87,

216, 222-23, 390

in European organizations, 1226, 1227,


Home Rule and independence sought by,

699-700, 701, 702, 704, 886, 912,

966, 974-75, 1187-88

Industrial Revolution in, 513

land ownership in, 222, 390, 699-700

migration from, 551-52, 688, 762, 762

nationalism in, 704

peasants in, 700

police in, 975, 976

population growth in, 516

post-World War II economic conditions in,


potato famine in, 516, 61 1 -12, 611, 614

religious reforms in, 607

restrictions on Catholics in, 390

Versailles Treaty and, 972

in World War II, 1063

Ireland, Northern, religious conflict in,

1106, 1187-88, 1187

Irish Confederation, 642

Irish Land Act (Great Britain; 1870), 699

Irish lyand League, 700

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 975, 1187-88,


Irish Republican Brotherhood (Fenians), 700

Iron Guard (Romania), 1016, 1067

iron production, 369, 372, 375, 393, 526,

527, 528, 529, 532

Isabella, queen of Castile, 18, 35, 172-73,

172, 175, 179, 180

Isabella II, queen of Spain, 604, 730

Isabella of Portugal, 172

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