A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-68 Index

legal system (continued)

in Napoleonic France, 495-97

nobles and, 351

royal courts in, 12, 29

Legion of Honor, 497-98

Legion of the Archangel Michael (Romania),


Legitimists (France), 726

Leibniz, Gottfried, 300, 302, 306, 307

Leipzig, Battle of, or Battle of the Nation

(1813), 507

Lend-Lease Act (United States; 1941), 1065,

1069, 1120

Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov), 718-19, 855,

916-17, 928, 939-40, 942, 943, 945,

947, 948, 952, 953, 954, 1035-36

background and description of, 718-19

democratic centralism of, 949-51

return from exile of, 939

Stalin and, 953-54, 954

Leningrad, siege of (1941-1942), 1090-91

Leonardo da Vinci, 44, 60-61, 60, 63, 66,

68, 69-70, 72, 75, 83, 291

Leopold, prince of Hohenzollem­

Sigmaringen, 730-31

Leopold I, Holy Roman emperor, 229, 263,

264, 264, 279, 280, 342

Leopold I, king of Belgium (Leopold of Saxe­

Coburg), 600

Leopold II, Holy Roman emperor (Leopold I,

grand duke of Tuscany), 336, 337,

339, 458, 459

Leopold II, king of Belgium, 819, 820, 828

Leo X, pope, 61, 63, 64, 67, 80, 91, 92, 93,

94, 95, 107, 127

Leo XIII, pope, 792

Lepanto, Battle of (1571), 178, 203

Le Pen, Jean-Marie, 1224

lesbians, see homosexuality; homosexuals,

persecution of

Lesczinski, Stanislas, 428

Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 566, 728, 738, 827

Lessing, Gotthhold, 328, 345

Lessing, Gotthold, 340

“Letter of Majesty” (1609), 147, 149

Letters to Athens (Cicero), 56

Letter to Gogol (Belinsky), 707

Levellers, 221-22

Leviathan (Hobbes), 243, 244

Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1 139

Leyden, University of, 329

Liaodong (Liaotung) Peninsula, 720, 721

Liberal Democratic Party (Russia), 1217

liberal economic theory (free trade),

344-45, 560, 605, 682, 747, 840, 922

in Great Britain, 580-82, 611,698

liberal movements, 533, 546-47, 570,

579-82, 595-96, 598-605, 601,

602-5, 649-50, 682, 717-18

state intervention as viewed in, 544-47

waning of, 673

see also Revolution of 1830; Revolutions of

1848; specific countries

Liberal Party (Great Britain), 693, 694, 695,

696, 697, 698-99, 700, 703, 785,

832, 853, 858, 886, 975, 987, 1182

Liberals (Italy), 660, 1006, 1021

Liberal Unionists (Great Britain), 700, 701

Liberia, 832, 1171

Liberty Leading the People (Delacroix), 597

libraries, 34, 56, 328, 329

Libre Parole, La, 738, 739

Libya, 660, 858, 880, 1006, 1032, 1088,


Liebknecht, Karl, 958, 959

Liege, Battle of (1914), 889

Life of Jesus (Renan), 801

Likud Party (Israel), 1235

Lisbon, Treaty of, 1230

List, Friedrich, 530

literacy, 24, 35, 119, 327-28, 495, 541, 543,

553, 561, 586, 658, 717, 773-74, 798

literature, 57-59

classical, 56-58

Dutch, 241

in eighteenth century, 328-29

English, 193-95, 541, 543-44, 551, 553,


existentialist, 1137

French, 541, 799-802, 1137-38

German, 582-83

in Italian Renaissance, 59-60, 63-64

late nineteenth and early twentieth cen­

tury, 784, 799-802, 812

national, 345-46

in nineteenth century, 541, 543-44

in Northern Renaissance, 83

Reformation, 118-19

religious, 119

romantic, 582-83, 590-91, 595

Russian, 713, 715, 717

Spanish, 202-3

Lithuania, 19, 30, 245, 268-70, 716, 722,

917, 931,936, 945, 1056, 1073

post-World War 1 independence of, 969

post-World War II independence move­

ment in, 1194, 1206, 1207, 1215

Soviet acquisition of, 1112, 1115

in World War II, 1067, 1078

Little Entente, 969

Livingstone, David, 828, 852

Livonia, 277

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