A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-70 Index

Luxembourg, 599, 729-30, 11 15, 1123,

1226, 1227

Luxembourg Commission (France), 618, 627

Luxemburg, Rosa, 912, 958

Lyautey, Louis, 844

Lyon, 24

Lyon silk worker insurrections (1831), 597

Lysenko, Trofim, 1139

Maastricht, Treaty of (1992), 1107, 1228

macadamization, 372

MacArthur, Douglas, 1100, 1151

Macaulay, Thomas, 686

McCarthy, Joseph, 1151

MacDonald, Ramsey, 987, 996-97

McDonalds, 1232

Macedonia, 713, 875, 880, 970, 1068, 1209,

1210, 1213

see also Greece; Yugoslavia

Machiavelli, Niccold, 49, 59-60, 76-78, 77,

79, 84, 130

McKinley, William, 795, 842

MacMahon, Marie Edme de, 731, 735-36

Macmillan, Harold, 1127, 1166, 1174

Macpherson, James, 345

Madagascar, 825, 851, 976

Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 801

“mad cow” disease, 1231

Madeira, 35

Mafia, 658, 659, 1011, 1129, 1184

Magellan, Ferdinand, 39

Magenta, Battle of (1859), 654, 729

magic and witchcraft, 17, 119, 121-22

Magic Flute, The (Mozart), 333

Magic Mountain, The (Mann), 955

Maginot Line, 1055, 1059, 1061, 1062

Magna Carta (England; 1215), 27, 28, 214

magnetism, theory of, 295

Magyar language, 680

Magyars, 5, 351, 395, 613, 621, 623, 675,

675, 678, 679-80, 866, 881

see also Hungary, Hungarians; Roma

Mahdi, the, 831,831,832, 858

Mahler, Gustav, 812

Mahmud II, sultan of Ottoman Empire, 690

Maistre, Joseph de, 579

Major, John, 1182

Makhno, Nestor (Ukrainian anarchist), 947

Malaga, 73

Malaya, 850, 855, 1070, 1071

Malaysia, 1163, 1234

Malenkov, Georgi, 1135

Maletesta, Enrico, 794

Malmo, Armistice of (1848), 665

Malthus, Thomas, 366, 546

Manchester Guardian, 1144

Manchukuo, 1070

Manchuria, 719, 720, 721, 1050-51, 1051

Mandelstam, Osip, 1041

Manet, Edouard, 730, 802, 803

“Manifesto of Futurism” (Marinetti), 817

Mann, Thomas, 955, 1027, 1029

mannerism, 72

Mantegna, Andrea, 69, 69

Mantua, 50, 63-64


cottage, 366, 370

in early modern England, 191, 226, 379

in eighteenth century, 367-71

in fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries,

3, 5, 21-23, 174

in German states, 167, 357, 605

in Great Britain, 368-70, 373, 607

in Italian Renaissance, 46

large-scale, rise of, 285, 350

in late sixteenth and seventeenth cen­

turies, 167-68

in medieval period, 18, 21-23

in nineteenth century, 553-54, 607

in Old Regime France, 357, 367, 374-75

rural, 357, 513-14, 529, 553, 766

see also guilds, craft organizations; Indus­

trial Revolution; Industrial Revolu­

tion, Second; textile manufacturing

Mao Zedong, 1 150, 1150, 1 1 57-58

Marat, Jean-Paul, 449, 452, 457, 466, 466,


Marconi, Guglielmo, 755

Margaret of Valois, 132, 134, 138

Maria Christina, of Spain, 604

Mariana Islands, 904

Maria Theresa, empress of Austria, 342, 363,

388, 393, 394-95, 428, 439

Marie-Antoinette, queen of France, 328,

438-39, 439, 447, 459, 467

Marie de’ Medici, 139, 140, 143, 144

Marie-Louise, empress of France (duchess of

Parma), 504, 508, 603

Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 817

Marlborough, duke of, 281

Marlowe, Christopher, 195

Marne, Battle of the (1914), 892

Marriage Act (Great Britain; 1753), 383

Marriage of Figaro, The (Mozart), 333

marriages, 20-21, 61, 182-83, 187, 315,

366, 678, 764

clandestine, 383

of clerics, 116

French Revolution and, 452

in Napoleonic Code, 496

in nineteenth century, 537-38

Marshall Islands, 839, 904

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