A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-71
Marshall Plan, 1120, 1121
Marston Moor, Battle of (1644), 219
Martin, Alexander (Albert), 617
Martinique, 401
Martin V, pope, 89
Marville, Charles, 769
Marx, Karl, 567-68, 621, 627, 714-15, 7/4,
718, 724, 784, 788, 789, 790, 791,
809,855,928, 1005, 1006
Marxism, 783, 1012
in Russia, 718, 719, 949
see also communism
Mary, queen of Scotland (Mary Stuart), 130,
135, 181-82, 185-86, 785
Mary I, queen of England (Mary Tudor),
111, 175-76, 181-82, 182, 185
Mary II, queen of England, 208, 228, 229,
230, 314
Masaccio, Tommaso di Giovanni, 65, 65,
68-69, 68
Masaryk, Jan, 1 133
Masaryk, Thomas, 971
Masonic lodges, 335, 335, 586
masons/masonry, see freemasons, Masonic
Massachusetts, Puritans in, 196
Massachusetts Bay Company, 196
Massacre at Chios (Delacroix), 590, 591
mass politics:
in France, 734-41
in Great Britain, 698-705
in Italy, 657-60
social reform and, 782, 783, 784-98
see also specific parties
Massu, Jacques, 1 170
“master race,” see Aryans
materialism, 798
mathematics, 288, 290, 291, 299-300
Matignon Agreements (1936), 1019
Matthias, Holy Roman emperor, 147-48
Mau Mau rebellion, 1173, /173
Maupeou, Rene-Nicolas de, 421, 422-23, 422
Maurice, count of Nassau, 201
Mauritius, 389
Maurras, Charles, 740
Maximilian, archduke of Austria (emperor of
Mexico), 729, 865
Maximilian I, duke of Bavaria, 146-48, 150,
152, 156, 157, 158
Maximilian I, Holy Roman emperor, 175
Max von Baden, Prince, 921, 922, 957
Maxwell, James, 757
May 1968 protests, 1176, 1178-80, 1180
Mayans, 40, 41
Mazarin, Jules, 252-53, 254, 255
Mazowiecki, Tadeusz, 1197
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 603, 625, 625, 637, 638,
649, 652-53, 656
Mecklenburg, 160
Medical Act (Great Britain; 1858), 536
medical care, 290, 745-46, 785, 1124, 1126
doctors and, 536
in Napoleonic Wars, 493-94
public health and, 697, 697, 766, 768,
Medici, Cosimo de’, 33-34, 52, 55, 64
Medici, Lorenzo de’, 55
Medici family, 50, 51-52, 53, 55, 59, 64, 74,
75, 76, 77, 78
medieval period:
continuities from, 5-18
feudalism in, 11-13
fragmentation of Europe in, 5-6
legacies of, 3-43
painting in, 68
scholasticism in, 56-58
trade and manufacturing in, 18
Medvedev, Dimitri, 1217
Mehemet Ali, pasha of Egypt, 616, 689
Meidner, Ludwig, 810
Meiji Restoration (1868), 713, 835, 839
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 1014
Meline Tariff (France; 1892), 736
Mendes-France, Pierre, 1167
Mengele, Josef, 1118
Mennonites, 105, 107,235
Menno Simons, 107
Menshevik Social Democrats (Russia), 719,
723, 724, 725, 928, 933, 935, 937,
938, 939, 941,943,951,953
mercantilism, 344-45, 373, 395, 419, 469
in France, 254-55
mercenaries, 33, 78, 135, 154, 155, 199,
281,402, 491,492
Merchant Adventurers, 196,215
merchant-bankers, see financial institutions,
Merkel, Angela, 1181
Mersenne, Martin, 303
Mesmer, Franz Anton, 333-34
mesmerism, 333-34
Mesopotamia, 904
metal industry, 274, 513, 531, 532, 744,
745, 745, 748, 751, 751
see also iron production
Metaxas, Ioannis, 1016
Methodism, 326, 326, 556, 563, 607, 688,
Metternich, Klemens von, 571-73, 575, 576,
577, 587, 588-89, 600, 622, 650, 868
Metz, Battle of (1870), 731
Metz, Battle of (1914), 890