A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-72 Index


French intervention in, 729

gold from, 174

independence of, 587

Spanish conquest of, 37, 40, 42

World War I and, 916

Michael, king of Romania, 1067, 1092,


Michael Aleksandrovich, Prince, 935

Michelangelo, 44, 64, 65, 66, 67-68, 70, 71,

72, 75, 79

Michelin Tire Company, 754

middle classes:

culture of, 537-44, 812

culture of comfort for, 540-42

diversity of, 533-37

education of, 321

in eighteenth century, 328, 331, 355, 356,


entrepreneurial ideal in, 534-35

fascism, Nazism and, 1000, 1014

in French Revolution, 437, 442-43, 455,

467, 469, 471,474, 477-78

in military, 503

in Napoleonic France, 497

in nineteenth century, 532-47, 612, 618,

685, 717

prostitution and, 766

in Restoration Europe, 577, 580, 581

rising professions of, 535-37

in Second Industrial Revolution, 771-73

in towns and cities, 550-51

see also bourgeois/bourgeoisie; specific


Midway, Battle of (1942), 1100

migration, 14, 551-53, 552, 658, 758,

761-63, 761,767, 772, 822

to modern Europe, 1219, 1220-26, 1221,

1223, 1225

see also specific countries

migration from, 1115

Milan, 24, 29, 50, 52, 53, 61, 74, 75, 76, 78,

395, 396, 477, 624, 626

Milan Decrees (France; 1806), 499

military forces, see armies

Military Services Act (Great Britain), 912

Mill, Harriet Taylor, 539

Mill, James, 534

Mill, John Stuart, 539, 546

Millerand, Alexander, 740, 791

Millet, Jean Frans£ois, 542, 800, 800

Milosevic, Slobodan, 1210-13, 1212

Miners’ Federation (Great Britain), 704

mining, 22, 274, 832, 855

of diamonds, 832, 855

see also gold; silver, from Latin America

missionaries, 124

in Africa, 852

in Americas, 41-42, 92, 198

in Asia, 852

Jesuit, 115-16, 185

Lutheran, 101

Mitterrand, Francis, 1183, 1228

Mobutu Sese Seko, 1174

Modena, 575, 603, 650, 655, 656

modernist painting, 816-17

Moldavia, 590, 591, 689, 691, 692, 711,

917, 1194, 1208

Moliere, Jean-Baptiste, 258

Mollet, Guy, 1169

Molotov, Vyacheslav, 1067-68, 1098, 1136

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939), 1057,

1059, 1067, 1070-71

Moltke, Helmuth von, 887-88, 889, 890

Mona Lisa (Leonardo), 68

monarchies, 11-13, 25-28, 26, 85, 124,

127-28, 161, 163

and absolute power, 244-52, 433

absolutism in France, 252—61

Austrian, 28, 127, 242, 612, 677-82

authority in religious affairs, 85—87,

111-14, 124, 127-28, 129-30,

180-86, 249-51,258-60

balance of power in, 261-62, 394

divine right in, 244-45

English and British, 25-28, 186-87, 206,

208, 209-10, 224-25, 227-28, 386,


in Holy Roman Empire, 147, 175-76,262-65

Italian, 659

new monarchies, 25-28, 26, 85-87,

127-28, 141, 172-73, 186-87

Prussian, 246, 612

in Restoration Europe, 576-79

Russian, 246, 612, 685, 927

social contract with, 315

Spanish, 25-27, 124, 172-73, 204-5,

206, 586-87

wars of religion in strengthening of, 127-28

see also absolutism

monarchy, French, 25-27, 85, 124, 127-28,

129-30, 132, 138, 186, 206, 385

absolutism and, 241, 243, 249-50,


eighteenth-century attacks on, 343, 347,

387, 415-23; see also French Revolu­


under Henry IV, 140-43

and July Monarchy, 594-98

under Louis XIII, 143-45, 160

under Louis XIV, 242

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