A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
A-78 Index
Ottoman Empire (continued)
Holy Roman Empire’s wars with, 147,
Hungarian alliance with, 263-65
imperialism and, 857
Napoleonic Wars and, 486, 489, 504
nationalism in, 875-78
Papal wars against, 80, 91, 178
peasants in, 425-27
reforms in, 690
religious freedom in, 690
Russian conflicts with, 272, 276, 427,
in Russo-Turkish War, 868
Spanish wars with, 178, 178
taxes in, 425
as theocracy, 250
in World War 1, 896, 900, 902, 903, 909,
see also Turkey, Turks
Owen, Robert, 535, 565
Owen, Wilfred, 923
Oxford University, 24, 190, 326-27, 775,
780, 851,988
Pacifico, Don, 693
Pact of Steel (1939), 1056
Padua, University of, 296, 308, 308, 310
Paganini, Niccolo, 585
Paine, Thomas, 417, 458
abstract, 817
baroque, 123, 241, 330
cubist, 817
Dutch, 237-39, 241
in eighteenth century, 329-31
expressionist, 813, 990-91
fauvist, 816
French, 251-52, 799-800, 802-4
futurist, 817
impressionist, 802-4
in inter-war period, 990-91
Italian, 817
in Italian Renaissance, 60-61, 65-72
in late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries, 813-17
in mid-nineteenth century, 799-800
modernist, 816-17
monumentalism in, 251-52
in Northern Renaissance, 82-83
perspective in, 68-69
pointillist, 813
post-impressionist, 813—14
realist, 82-83, 799-800, 802
romantic, 583
Spanish, 205
Paisley, lan, 1187, 1188
Pakistan, 1149, 1162-63, 1234
Palacky, FrantiSek, 632
Palatinate, 148, 149, 151, 152
Palatinate, Lower, 146, 150, 158
Palatinate, Upper, 146, 150, 152, 158, 210
Paleologue, Maurice, 883
Palestine, 904, 919, 967, 973, 974, 1106, 1163
Palestine Liberation Organization, 1235
Palestinians, 1106, 1145, 1164, 1234, 1235
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Lord, 664,693-94
Panama, 37
Panama Canal, 872
Pan-German League, 672, 858, 872
Panhellenism, 423
Pankhurst, Emmeline, 798
Pan-Slav Congress (1848), 632-33
Pan-Slavism, 632-33, 681, 681, 711, 864,
Paoli, Pascale di, 480, 481
Papal States, 52, 74, 75, 76, 80, 115, 146, 178
1848 unrest in, 624, 625, 636-38
French annexation of, 504
Italian unification and, 650, 653, 655, 657
rebellions against, 603
in Restoration era, 577
in Thirty Years’ War, 154
workers in, 637
Papandreou, Andreas, 1183
Papen, Franz von, 1021-22
Papon, Maurice, 1119
Paraguay, 42, 338
Paris, 6, 24, 528, 540, 541, 549, 550, 550,
rebuilding of, 767-69, 769
siege of (1870-1871), 731-32
after World War II, 1142
Paris, count of, 617, 735
Paris, Peace of (1856), 653, 654, 692, 711,
Paris, Treaty of (1763), 401, 412
Paris, Treaty of (1814), 508, 571, 575
Paris, University of, 309
in World War I, 896
Paris Commune (1871), 732-34, 733, 736,
Paris Commune (French Revolution), 461,
463, 471
Paris Exhibition of 1900, 809
Paris Exposition of 1889, 870
Paris Peace Conference (1919), 959-67
see also Versailles, Treaty of (1919)
Parlement of Paris, 253, 254, 260, 420, 422,
in French Revolution, 440, 442