A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-81

Russian Revolutions and, 722, 723, 917,

937, 948-49

science in, 306

serfdom in, 245, 511

Soviet domination of, 1057, 1105, 1132,

1134, 1152, 1153

Swedish conflicts with, 276

in Thirty Years’ War, 153

towns in, 23

trade and commerce in, 235

uprising of 1830-1831 in, 602—3, 602,

604, 612

uprising of 1863 in, 664, 668, 679, 681, 711

in War of the Austrian Succession, 394

West German relations with, 1181

World War I and, 922, 937

in World War II, 1060, 1073-75, 1076,

1077, 1080, 1110, 1181

police, see crime and social control

Polignac, Prince Jules de, 595, 596

Polish Corridor, 965, 969, 1030, 1052, 1056,


Polish Democratic Society, 621

Political Economy Club (Great Britain), 581

Political Register, 562

“Political Testament” (Lenin), 1036

politics, see government and politics

politiques, 133, 135, 144

pollution, 1232-33

Polo, Marco, 24

Poltava, Battle of (1709), 277

Pombal, Sebastiao, marquis of, 338

Pomerania, 153, 158, 266, 270, 573, 964

Pompidou, Georges, 1179

Poniatowski, Stanislas, 428

Pontecorvo, Gilles, 1139

Ponts-de-Ce, Battle of (1620), 143

poorhouses, 383

Poor Law Amendment Act (Great Britain;

1834), 559, 609, 698, 785

Poor Law Commission (Great Britain), 696

Pope, Alexander, 301

popular culture:

during English Civil War, 218

in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,

16-18, 119-20

in Second Industrial Revolution, 773-78

Popular Front (France), 1018-19, 1046, 1047

Popular Front (Spain), 1043

Popular Movement for the Liberation of

Angola, 1174

Popular Republican Movement (MRP;

France), 1128-29

population growth, 285

agriculture and, 285, 350

in eighteenth century, 364-66, 365

in England and Great Britain, 187-88,

192, 283

in fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries,

4, 15-16, 19-21, 166

in France, 20, 364, 364, 366

in late nineteenth and early twentieth

centuries, 758-63

in late sixteenth and seventeenth cen­

turies, 20, 128—29, 170

in medieval period, 19-21

in the Netherlands, 234, 364

in nineteenth century, 513, 515-17, 743

in Spain, 20, 364

after World War II, 1124, 1221, 1222

populists, in Russia, 715

Portrait of an Officer of the Chasseurs Com­

manding a Charge (Gericault), 583,


Portsmouth, Treaty of (1905), 721

Portugal, 204, 206, 280

absolutism in, 246, 249

agriculture in, 519

American Revolution and, 418

authoritarianism in, 993

Catholic Church in, 87, 249, 338-39, 792

colonies of, 240, 338, 388, 389

democratization of, 1186

as emerging state, 18

Enlightenment in, 323

in European organizations, 1226, 1227,


land ownership in, 249

liberal movements in, 587

merged with Spain, 172

migration from, 762, 1185

military dictatorship in, 1002, 1047, 1048,


Napoleonic Wars and, 500

in NATO, 1115

in nineteenth and twentieth centuries,

641, 821, 824, 826

overseas trade of, 73, 373, 388-89, 418

population of, 20, 516

post-World War 11 economic conditions in,


post-World War 11 politics in, 1106, 1176,

'll 85-86

representative government in, 588

textile manufacturing in, 515

tourism in, 1143

in War of the Spanish Succession, 280

in World War I, 920

Portuguese Empire, 240, 338, 388

decolonization of, 1106, 1174, 1185-86

exploration and conquests of, 1, 35-42,

36, 40, 73

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