A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Portuguese Empire (continued)
in nineteenth and twentieth centuries,
821-22, 828, 830, 836, 847, 1106
Posen, 573
positivism, 798, 804
post-impressionist painting, 813-14
Potemkin, battleship, 722
Potosi, 174
Potsdam Conference (1945), 1101,
1110-12, 1111, 1149
POUM (Workers Party of Marxist Unifica
tion; Spain), 1045
Pound, Ezra, 1008
poverty, 15, 202, 236, 380-82, 383, 384
disease and, 18-19
education and, 546
in eighteenth century, 379, 380-82, 383,
in England and Great Britain, 192—93,
381, 383, 546, 559, 605, 696, 785-86
in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 10,
11, 12, 15,21
government relief for, 559
in nineteenth century, 517, 547—49,
556-59, 558, 645, 695, 696
in twentieth century, 717
see also reform movements
Powell, Enoch, 1222
practical socialism, 566-67
Pragmatic Sanction (1713), 392, 395
Prague, Treaty of (1866), 667
Prague Spring, 1190, 1191, 1192, 1193
Pravda, 940, 953, 1037, 1144, 1208
Presbyterians, 209, 213, 224, 225, 326
in English Civil War, 219-20, 221, 222
price revolution, 170-71, 201
Pride, Thomas, 222
Primo de Rivera, Miguel, 1043
primogeniture, 188, 496, 699
Primrose League (Great Britain), 858
Prince, The (Machiavelli), 77, 84, 130
Princip, Gavrilo, 882
Principia, The Mathematical Principles of
Natural Philosophy (Newton), 300,
303, 305
Principles of Political Economy (Mill), 546
Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
(Ricardo), 581
printing, 4, 5, 32, 33-35, 34, 56
Dutch, 237
in eighteenth century, 321, 329, 335, 337,
346-47,412-14, 427
in English Civil War, 217
in France, 566
in German states, 589
in Great Britain, 412-14, 911
in nineteenth century, 541, 646
in Reformation, 118-19
in Restoration Europe, 585, 586, 589
on science, 302-3
in World War I, 911
after World War II, 1144
see also censorship
privateers, French, 279
Privy Council (England), 180
Progress and Poverty (George), 790
Progressive Bloc (Russia), 931
Progressive Party (Germany), 663, 664, 668
property rights, 382
French Revolution and, 448
prostitution, 554, 765-66
protectionism, 580, 581
Protectorate, English, 223-24
Protestant Church of Ireland, 699
Protestant Dissenters, see Dissenters
Protestant ethic, 109
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,
The (Weber), 805
Protestantism, 81, 390-91, 629, 678
charity encouraged by, 381
discrimination and, 452
in Enlightenment, 338
hard work stressed in, 535
in North America, 196
origin of term, 100
in Restoration Europe, 578
rurak in Industrial Revolution, 556
science as viewed in, 291, 308-9
see also Anglicanism; Calvinists;
Huguenots; liberal movements;
Lutherans; peasants; Reformation;
revolutions, rebellions; Thirty Years’
War; wars of religion; workers
Protestant Union (German states), 148-49,
protest movements, against Industrial
Revolution, 547-48, 561-63
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 566-67, 567
Provence, count of, see Louis XVIII, king of
Prussia, 265-68, 277, 280, 393-94, 887
absolutism in, 241, 242-43, 394, 433
agriculture in, 362, 518
American Revolution and, 418
artisans in, 560
in Austro-Prussian War, 657, 665,
666-67, 679, 729
clergy in, 354
and Congress of Vienna, 569-76
in Danish-Prussian War of 1864, 664-66,
666, 679
and Dutch political crisis, 424