A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
A-84 Index

rationalism, 798, 811

Ravachol, Jean, 795

Ravaillac, Francois, 143

Raynal, Guillaume, 329

reading, 35, 118, 119, 328, 495, 541,717,


Reading Lesson, The (Millet), 542

Reagan, Ronald, 1195

realism, 798-802

in literature, 798—802

in painting, 82-83, 799-800, 802

socialist, 1027, 1139—40

Realpolitik, 663

Rebecca riots (1839-1844), 548

Red Brigades (Italy), 1233

Red Flag Act (Great Britain), 754

Red Guards, 939, 942, 945, 948

Redistribution Act (Great Britain; 1885), 696

Reed, John, 943

Reflections on the Revolution in France

(Burke), 458

Reflections on Violence (Sorel), 795

Reform Act (Great Britain; 1832), 562, 577,

607, 696, 704

Reform Act (Great Britain; 1867), 695-96,


Reform Act (Great Britain; 1884), 696

Reformation, 1, 43, 79, 80-125, 173, 196

Calvin’s role in, 107-11

in England, 111-14, 180-86, 206

in France, 107, 110, 126, 129-30,

131-37, 138

in German states, 80-81, 92-103, 124

and lay education, 119

legacy of, 124-25

Luther’s role in, 92-103

martyrs of, 100

in Netherlands, 81, 111, 124

peasant revolts in, 95, 97-98, 97

print culture and, 118-19

process of, 96-97

radical reformers in, 103-6, 105

rituals and festivals and, 119-21

roots of, 85—97

in Scandinavia, 81, 100, 124

in Scotland, 185

spread of, 98-103

in Switzerland, 103-11

urban centers of, 95-96

wars stemming from, 81

women’s role in, 121—22

Zwingli and, 103-6

see also Catholic Reformation; wars of


Reform Bill (Great Britain; 1832), 608-9

Reform League (Great Britain), 695

reform movements:

in Great Britain, 695-98, 701

mass politics and, 782, 783, 784—98

in Russia, 705-8, 717-18, 927-28

in Second Empire France, 728-31

see also liberal movements; voting rights

reform socialists, 719, 789


Palestinian, 1164

after World War II, 1115-17, 1122

Reichsbank, 1052

Reichstag, 91, 262

Reichstag fire (1933), 1022, 1023

Reinsurance Treaty (1887), 870

relativity, 758


conservative ideology and, 578-79

decline of, 773, 776-78

disestablishment and, 693, 699

in eighteenth century, 354-55, 354

Enlightenment and, 285, 313, 316,

319-20, 325-27

in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, 1, 4,


in Italian Renaissance, 57-59, 68-70

in nineteenth century, 543-44, 544

painting and, 68—70

science in conflict with, 287, 288, 291,

294-95, 296-98, 306, 308-10

see also Reformation; wars of religion;

specific churches

religious freedom, 97, 146, 197, 210, 424

in Austria, 678

in Bohemia, 147

in England, 220, 224, 228, 230

in Enlightenment, 337-40

in France, 133, 134, 138, 228, 447, 448,

452,485,496, 511, 593-94

in German states, 146, 152, 631

in Great Britain, 526, 607-8

in Netherlands, 235—37, 241

in North America, 414

in Ottoman Empire, 690

in Russia, 359

religious toleration, see religious freedom

Remarque, Erich Maria, 992, 1005

Rembrandt van Rijn, 238


Italian, see Italian Renaissance

Northern, 82-84

Renan, Ernest, 801-2

Renault, Louis, 753

Renoir, Auguste, 768, 802

repartimiento, 41

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