A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present
Index A-85
Report on the Sanitary Condition of the La
boring Population of Great Britain
(Chadwick), 696
representative and constitutional government:
in Austria, 678-79, 680-82
in Belgium, 600
in England and Great Britain, 163, 186,
208, 210, 213, 221-22, 230-31, 245,
254, 285, 318-19, 386, 404-15, 433,
670, 684-85, 699, 704; see also
House of Commons; House of Lords;
Parliament, English
Enlightenment views of, 313, 319, 323,
fascist challenges to, 1015-17, 1019; see
also Germany, Nazi; Mussolini, Benito
in France, 245, 260, 319, 433, 508-9,
585, 593-98, 617, 618-19, 670, 685,
728-29, 730, 731; see also French
in German states, 585, 604
in Germany, 669-70, 982-83
in Italy, 659
in Lombardy-Venetia, 577
in Netherlands, 163, 208, 245
in Poland, 602
in Portugal, 588
in Russia, 710, 723-24, 936-38, 945
in Spain, 173, 586-88, 604
in Sweden, 271
in Switzerland, 600
in Two Sicilies, 575
see also Revolution of 1830; Revolutions of
1848; voting rights
requerimiento, 40-41
Rerum Novarutn (Pope Leo XIII), 792
Restoration, English, see England
Restoration Europe, 434, 576-79
see also Vienna, Congress of
Revere, Paul, 416
Revolution of 1830, 550, 594-98, 605, 614
revolutions, rebellions:
Fronde, The, 157, 243, 252-54, 255, 441
peasant, 12, 88, 95, 97-98, 97, 243, 246,
251,254, 270,359, 428, 621
in Restoration Europe, 580
tax, 27, 97, 129, 175, 246, 251-54, 595
see also French Revolution; Glorious Revo
lution; War of American Independence
Revolutions of 1848, 613-43, 615, 683
counter-revolutions to, 626-28, 630-40,
food shortages and, 614
legacy of, 640-43
mobilization for, 614-26
precursors of, 612
search for consensus in, 626-32
Rexist movement (Belgium), 1019—20
Reynolds, Joshua, 329-30
Rhine, Confederation of the, 489, 501, 506,
Rhineland, 146, 150, 157, 160, 338, 363,
452, 473, 476, 529, 573
Catholic Reformation in, 116
French occupation of, 960, 963, 964
German remilitarization of, 1034
Rhodes, Cecil, 826, 833, 834, 844-45, 854
Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), 848, 851, 1174
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 1034, 1099
Ricardo, David, 581
Richelieu, Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis
de, 144-46, 157,252,253,255
Richthofen, Manfred von, 896
Rickenbacker, Eddie, 896
Riefenstahl, Leni, 1028
Riga, Treaty of (1921), 949
Rigaud, Hyacinthe, 251-52, 251
Right Opposition (Soviet Union), 1036, 1041
rights and liberties, 97-98, 242-43, 411-12,
conservative view of, 579
eighteenth-century movements for, 423-25
of Englishmen, 214, 222
Enlightenment views on, 315, 318, 323
Glorious Revolution and, 163
of Parliament, 213,216-17
in Restoration Europe, 579, 580
Russian Revolution and, 935
see also French Revolution; liberal move
ments; Revolution of 1830; Revolu
tions of 1848
Rights of Man, The (Paine), 458
Rights of Women, The (de Gouges), 454, 459
Right which Belongs to the Dutch to Take Part in
the East India Trade, The (Grotius), 169
Rite of Spring, The (Diaghilev), 811, 811
Robespierre, Maximilien, 457, 457, 459,
466-67,469, 470-71,473
Robin Hood, 1 1
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe), 379
rococo style (Louis XV style), 330-31, 330
Rocroi, Battle of (1643), 253
Rohm, Ernst, 1013, 1023
Roma (gypsies), 11, 675, 1216
in World War II, 1080
Yugoslav, 970
see also Magyars
Roman Catholic Church, 173, 196, 347
absolutism and, 249-50
art and, 71-72, 122-23