A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-87

banking in, 749, 751

in Bosnian Crisis of 1908, 878-79

in Boxer Rebellion, 841

censorship in, 337, 705, 706, 710

Chinese concessions and, 840, 841

cities of, 25, 376-77, 550, 550, 717

and Congress of Vienna, 569-76

Cossack rebellion in (1773-1774), 359

in Crimean War, 653, 689-92, 689, 706,

708, 717

and Danish-Prussian War of 1864, 664-66

Decembrist revolt in, 591-93, 592, 705,


economic conditions in, 274, 717-18

education in, 543, 715, 716, 717, 774, 775

1848 unrest and, 613, 634-35, 636

eighteenth-century nationalism in, 345

in eighteenth-century rivalries, 387

enlightened absolutism in, 343

expansion of, 271-77, 275, 711-13, 712

foreign trade of, 418, 870

French Revolution and, 474

German unification and, 664

government administration in, 273-74,

591, 710

in Great Northern War, 276

and Greek uprising of 1770, 423-24

and Greek uprising of 1821, 589, 590-91

imperialism and, 857, 874

Industrial Revolution in, 524, 531-32

intellectuals and reform, 705—8

Jews in, 338, 339, 721, 722, 723, 762-63,


labor unions in, 721, 722, 931

land ownership in, 708—10

in late nineteenth and early twentieth

centuries, 705-25

liberal movements in, 587, 588, 591, 593,

717-18, 721, 725, 929, 931, 933, 935

literature of, 713, 715, 717

manufacturing in, 375

middle classes in, 531, 532, 685, 705, 717

migration from, 762-63, 762

migration within, 762, 767

military of, 248, 249, 359, 401, 402, 577,

710, 721, 935-36

monarchy of, 246, 612, 685, 927

Mongols in, 5

in Moroccan Crisis of 1905, 874

Napoleonic Wars and, 482, 486, 488, 491,

498, 502, 504-5

Napoleon’s invasion of, 504-5, 506

nationalism in, 723, 936

nihilists and populists in, 713-15

nobles and aristocrats of, 245, 246, 269­

70, 272, 273, 274, 343, 351, 352,

359, 375, 380, 532, 591-92, 593,

705-6, 708-9, 713

Ottoman conflicts with, 272, 276, 427

Ottoman decline and, 425-27

peasants in, 268-70, 356, 357, 358-59,

548, 549, 685, 709, 714, 717, 718,

722, 723, 725, 749, 928, 938

Peter the Great’s Westernization of, 271-77

Poland dominated by, 705, 716

police in, 710, 721,723, 931

Polish conflicts with, 268, 272, 273, 276

in Polish Partitions, 425, 428, 429, 430,


Polish uprising against (1830-1831),

602-3, 602, 604, 612

Polish uprising against (1863), 664, 668,

679, 681,711

population of, 20, 364, 516

poverty in, 717

in pre-World War I alliances, 647, 864,

866, 868, 869-71, 874-81

provisional government of (1917), 935-41

railroads in, 531, 751

reform efforts in, 705—8

religion in, 9, 339, 359

representative government in, 710,

723-24, 936-38

revolutionary stirrings in, 715, 927

Russification in, 716

in Russo-Japanese War, 645-46, 719-21,

720, 721, 722, 841, 872, 873, 874,

875, 928

in Russo-Turkish War, 717, 868

Scientific Revolution in, 306-7

Second Industrial Revolution in, 745,

749-51, 750

serfdom in, 167, 245, 270, 343, 351, 519,

531, 532, 548, 592, 593, 685, 705,

706, 708-10,713,751

serfs emancipated in, 685, 705, 708-10,

709, 713, 717, 751

in Seven Years’ War, 399

and Sino-Japanese War of 1895, 719-20

socialists in, 645-46, 790

strikes in, 721-22

Swedish conflicts with, 271, 272, 273,

276, 277

taxes in, 274, 708, 709

textile industry in, 532, 750

in Three Emperors’ League, 868

trade and commerce in, 271

voting rights in, 696

in War of Polish Succession, 427

and War of the Austrian Succession, 395

Westernizers vs. Slavophiles in, 706-8, 713

workers in, 721-22, 751, 929, 934, 936

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