A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index A-89

Schuman, Robert, 1123

Schuschnigg, Kurt von, 1032, 1052

Schutzstaffel (S.S.; Nazi Germany), 1023,

1025, 1030, 1085

Schwarzenberg, Prince Felix zu, 634

science, 287,311,745-46

ancient and medieval, 288-90

astronomy, 288-92, 293-98, 300, 303, 310

culture of, 302-10

in Eastern Europe, 306

Enlightenment and, 313, 314, 314,


in late nineteenth and early twentieth cen­

turies, 756-58

patronage of, 302, 305

practical applications of, 307

religion in conflict with, 287, 288, 291,

294-95, 296-98, 306, 308-10

theories of, 298-302

women in, 303—5

Scientific Humanitarian Committee, 771

scientific method, 285, 288, 295-96, 302-7

Scientific Revolution, 287-311

scientific socialism, 567-68, 789, 790

Scotland, 87, 114, 185, 411, 760, 980

Act of Union with England and, 241, 390

as emerging state, 18

in English Civil War, 219, 220

English conflicts with, 181, 213-14, 216

Jacobites in, 391-92

manufacturing in, 368

Masonic lodges in, 335

nobles of, 213-14

strikes in, 980

see also Great Britain

Scott, Sir Walter, 537

Scottish Presbyterian Church, 213

Screamt The (Munch), 814


baroque, 123

Renaissance, 65, 70, 72

Sebastopol, siege of (1854-1855), 691, 692

Second Sex, The (Beauvoir), 1140

Secret Army Organization (OAS; France),


Sedan, Battle of (1870), 731

Segur Law (France; 1782), 380

Sein Fein, 1188

Selim III, Ottoman emperor, 426

Senegal, 729, 854, 855, 1171

Sepoy Mutiny (1857), 835-37, 838, 976

September Massacre (1792), 460, 461

Serbia, Serbs, 612, 632, 675, 675, 677, 680,

681-82, 711, 766, 866, 875, 1015

in Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, 880-81

in Bosnian Crisis of 1908, 878-79, 1107

Hungarians in, 623

nationalism of, 681-82, 880, 881-82

in World War I, 904, 922

in World War II, 1075, 1083-84

in World War 1 outbreak, 882-84, 886-87

in Yugoslav civil wars, 1209-13, 1211

in Yugoslavia, 970, 1209-13, 1211

see also Yugoslavia

Serbia-Montenegro, 1213

serfdom, 97, 245, 246-47, 358, 359

abolishment of, 503, 511, 547

emancipation and, 685, 705, 708-10,

709, 713, 717, 751

in Ottoman Empire, 426

in Poland, 245,511

in Prussia, 245, 266-67, 341, 501, 547

rebellions of serfs, 708

in Russia, 167, 245, 270, 343, 351, 358,

519, 531, 532, 548, 592, 593, 685,

705, 706, 708-10,713, 751

slavery compared with, 358

in Western Europe, 13-14, 342, 357-58,


Serfdom Patent, 342

Seurat, Georges, 813, 814

Seven Years’ War, 394, 396-401, 398, 422,

430, 438, 441,835

Sevres, Treaty of (1920), 967

Sex Disqualification Act (Great Britain;

1919), 979

sexual practices, sexuality, 20-21, 809, 1178

Seymour, Jane, 114, 181

SFIO (French Section of the Working Class

International), 791

Sforza, Francesco, 50, 53

Sforza family, 51,61, 62, 75

Shaka, Zulu leader, 823

Shakespeare, William, 193-95, 195

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 583, 591

shepherds, 14

Shevardnadze, Eduard, 1199, 1206

Shimonoseki, Treaty of (1895), 719

shipbuilding, 22, 169, 240, 403

Siam (Thailand), 835

Siberia, 269, 270, 358, 359

Sicily, lf>, 75, 173, 175, 206, 575

agriculture in, 362

crime in, 384

1848 unrest in, 613

Industrial Revolution in, 524

Italian unification and, 650, 656—57

and Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, 575, 588

liberal movements in, 588

nobles of, 352

Sickness Insurance Law (Germany; 1883), 785

Siege of Delhi, 858

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