Other Liberal Assaults on the Old Order 599
Map 15.2 The Birth of Belgium, 1831-1839 The boundaries of the Dutch
Republic and Belgium, including within Belgium the areas that were Protestant and
Catholic, as well as Flemish and Walloon areas. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
was created in 1831 and united with the Netherlands in the person of the grand duke,
King William I of the Netherlands.
Following the arrival of news from France of the July Revolution, the
Brussels opera presented a production about an insurrection in Naples in
1648 against Spanish rule. So inspired, the audience left the theater to
demonstrate against a government newspaper and other symbols of Dutch
authority. Workers, suffering unemployment and high prices, put up barri
cades, and were soon joined by units of bourgeois militia from outside Brus
sels. A halfhearted military attack floundered when inexperienced Dutch
troops panicked as the ranks of the defenders swelled. After three more
days of fighting, the Dutch troops withdrew to the north. The Dutch bom
bardment of Antwerp convinced more Flemish to support the rebels.