A History of Modern Europe - From the Renaissance to the Present

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Conclusion 741

and the Catholic Church as much as he did his American ex-wife, whom
he had followed by a detective, jailed, and deported. In 1907, he sent
troops to crush a determined strike by small property owners and vineyard
laborers in the south.

In 1911, Radical Premier Joseph Caillaux (1863-1944), unlike
Clemenceau, sought accommodation with Germany. The French Socialist
Party launched a campaign against militarism and particularly against the
extension of the term of military service from two to three years. Anti­
militarism remained popular among workers because of the role of troops
in the repression of strikes. But the Second Moroccan Crisis between Ger­
many and France that same year (see Chapter 22) gave rise to another
wave of nationalism. Besieged by the press for his pacific stand, Caillaux s
government fell the following year. Raymond Poincare (1860-1934), an
outspoken nationalist, became premier in 1912 and then president a year
later. He eagerly anticipated the chance to w in back Alsace and Lorraine,
and he firmed up French support of a Russian role in the Balkans. Poin­
care’s nationalism seemed in tune with the times.


The second half of the nineteenth century brought about significant politi­
cal change to the three European powers that had been the strongest at
mid-century. In Britain, the second Reform Bill of 1867 expanded the
electoral franchise, and another law' in 1884 followed suit. After the col­
lapse of the Second Empire in 1870 and the Paris Commune the following
year, France emerged as a republic. In Russia, Tsar Alexander IPs emanci­
pation of the serfs in 1861 did not change the fundamental institutions of
autocracy. Yet some reforms did follow, even as critics of the tsarist state
grew more vocal, and the Revolution of 1905 challenged the foundations
of autocracy. In the meantime, Britain’s economic strength and great navy
left it in a position to dominate international affairs. Having defeated Aus­
tria and then France, Prussia emerged as the leader of a unified and power­
ful Germany, dominant in Central Europe. At the same time, the Second
Industrial Revolution brought remarkable technological advances, increased
mass production, and ever larger cities now bathed in electric light.
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