China in World History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Index 181

Money, paper, 78, 82, 84
Moneylending, 69
Mongol Empires, 68, 73, 79–82
Mozi and Mohists, 15, 19
Music, 55, 64–65, 84
Musicians, 55

Nanjing, 38, 85, 86, 87; civil war and, 121,
122; as Jiankang, 38; Rape of (1937),
129–30; Taiping Rebellion and, 106, 107
Nanjing, Treaty of (1842), 105
Nationalist (Guomindang) Party, 115–16,
124, 129, 130; Communists and, 120,
121–22, 134; in Taiwan, 134, 137, 153.
See also Chiang Kai-shek
National Revolutionary Army, 121
Naval expeditions, 88, 90; British, 105
Neo-Confucianism, 73, 84
Neolithic cultures, 1–2
Nestorian Christians, 55
New Life Movement, 123
New Marriage Law, 136
Nirvana, 43. See also Enlightenment
Nixon, Richard, 144
Nobility. See Aristocracy
Nomadic groups, 38, 61, 65, 72–73, 79;
cultural hybridization and, 38, 48;
Jurchen, 71, 95; Khitan, 53, 68, 71;
Tangut, 68–69; Tibetan, 61, 97, 99;
Tuoba (Xianbei), 45, 46, 48, 55; Turk,
53; Xiongnu, 25, 26, 28, 37–38, 50
Northern Expedition, 121
Northern Qi dynasty, 48
Northern Song dynasty, 71
Northern Wei dynasty, 45–46, 47, 48
Northern Zhou dynasty, 48, 50–51
North Korea, 136, 138

Ögödei, Khan, 80
One-child policy, 151–52
“Open Door Notes” (John Hay), 110
Opera(zaju), 84
Opium trade, 103–5, 106, 107, 111
Opium War, 105–6, 117, 150
Oracle bones, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10

Painting.See Art and artisans
Paper, invention of, 31
Paper money, 78, 82, 84
Parthia, 28
Patriarchy, xv
Peasants, 12, 13, 20, 40, 77, 124–26;
collectivization and, 135–36, 140–41;
Communist Party and, 126, 131, 132,
135; parasitic disease and, 124–25;
poverty of, 124; rebellion by, 95, 97, 101,
106–7; “responsibility system” and, 146
Peking Man, 1
Peng Dehuai, 126, 127, 132, 141, 142

People’s Liberation Army, 133, 134, 135,
138, 149; Red Guard and, 142, 143;
Tibet and, 141
People’s Republic of China, 133–55;
agriculture in, 135–36, 140–41, 146;
Cultural Revolution in, 142–46, 147;
Great Leap Forward in, 140–41; Korean
War and, 136, 138; student protests in,
148, 149–50. See also Communist Party;
Mao Zedong
Philosophers, 12–13, 16, 17
Plum in the Golden Vase (Jin Ping Mei), 92
Poetry, 49, 63–64, 70; by women, 75
Political systems: Bronze Age, 10; Buddhism
and, 45; Mandate of Heaven and, 14
Polo, Marco, 82
Population growth, xiv, 78, 101, 155; Han
dynasty, 32, 36; Ming dynasty, 90, 91;
one-child policy and, 151–52; Tang
dynasty, 62
Porcelain, 79, 88, 90–91
Portuguese traders, 91, 102
Precepts for My Daughters (Ban Zhao),
Price infl ation, 134
Printing, 73
Publishing, 92. See also Books; specifi c title
Pure Land Buddhism, 56
Puyi, Henry (Xuantong Emperor, Qing),
114, 128
Qi, state of, 21
Qianlong Emperor (Qing), 99–100, 101,
Qian Qianyi, 94
Qin dynasty, 11, 13, 18, 20–25; rebellion
ending, 24
Qin Shi Huangdi, 21–24
Qing dynasty, 89, 95–106; Boxer Rebellion
in, 111, 112, 113; British trade mission
and, 102–3; imperial style, 97–100,
101; Japanese aggression and, 108, 109;
literature of, 100–101; Opium War,
105–6; reform attempts in, 108, 110,
111, 112, 113; Taiping Rebellion and,
“Qingming Festival Along the River,” 76–77
Qin Gui, 71, 72
Qiu Jin, 114
Quanzhou, 78
Quotations of Chairman Mao, 142
Rebellion and revolt, 30, 48, 60, 61, 62;
Boxer, 111, 112; peasant, 95, 97, 101;
Taiping, 106–7; Wuchang, 114–15; Yuan
dynasty, 85
Rebirth (reincarnation), 42, 43, 56, 81
Records of the Grand Historian (Sima
Qian), 29–30
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