Chapter 1: Campaigns in tal'Dorei 11
violent rule stood for several years before the Council of
Tal’Dorei convinced Syngorn and Kraghammer to ally
with them for the sake of the realm. They combined their
resources to battle Errevon back to the rift from whence
he came, cast him back into the Frostfell, and with the
aid of the Ashari druids, sealed the rift once and for all.
The snow began to melt, the fortress toppled into a basin,
and the people took their freedom back from the oppres-
sive cold. This victory is now remembered and celebrated
annually as the Winter’s Crest festival.
the Cin Der King
After many generations of peaceful rule within the city
of Emon, there spread word of a shadow in the South
that threatened outlying townships skirting the edges of
the Council’s influence. Trade caravans that hail from
the Rifenmist Peninsula began to vanish, while the
autonomous villages south of the Verdant Expanse sent
for aid and armed protection against a “nightmare of fire
and malice.” Sovereign Odellan Tal’Dorei felt that the
economic cost of sending a regiment that far south to
outsider communities without confirmation of threat was
a misuse of resources. It wasn’t until two years later when
reports of a powerful red dragon reached the ears of the
Council of Tal’Dorei that the seriousness of the situation
was considered.
By then, much of the vibrant fields covering the
Mornset Countryside were turned to ash, and the Out-
erfolk of the region bent to slavery under this new and
terrible threat. Calling himself Thordak the Cinder
King, the red dragon tyrant was thought slain nearly
two centuries before over the Ozmit Sea by the vengeful
military powers that protect the desert continent of Mar-
quet. The beast claimed dominion over the southern
lands, expanding his influence through fear and tyranny.
With the martial forces of the capital city of Emon
unleashed out of Fort Daxio, a terrible struggle erupted
south of the Stormcrest Mountains, leaving many a
good soldier reduced to bone and ember. It wasn’t until
a band of renowned adventurers entered the fray, led by
the Emon-allied arcanist, Allura Vysoren, that a last-
ing victory over the Cinder King was won, sealing the
unstoppable wyrm within the Elemental Plane of Fire
forever. Or so they thought.
the Chroma ConClave
Sixteen years after the sealing of Thordak, daily life in
the region had long returned to the normal quarrels over
trade pricing and kobold infestations. It was during those
sixteen years that an old and unexpected ally of Thordak’s,
a green dragon called Raishan, established communica-
tion from between the planes and plotted the red dragon’s
return. Mysteriously diseased in her later life and seeking