waterdeep dragon heist

(Jeff_L) #1

The entrance to the vault is hidden behind a secret
door in the nonh wall of area 05. The secret door was
crafted by skilled dwarf engineers and requfres a suc-
cessful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to locate.
Esvele has already disarmed a magic trap on the door,
rendering it safe to open. Beyond it lies a dusty staircase
that descends 90 feet to a 20-foot-wide corridor. The
hall extends another 90 feet to the vault doors. To one
side of the vault doors. a natural fissure in the wall once
served as a grick's lair, but Esvele killed the grick and
left its corpse on the floor.

The characters come to this crumbling tower in the
Dock Ward looking for the Stone of Golorr. Members
of Bregan D'aerthe follow them invisibly. Superstitious
locals th ink the tower is haunted, so they avoid it.

The interior of the tower is subject to a permanent an-
timagic field spell. Consequently, no magic functions
inside the tower. This effect was left behind by the tow-
er's previous occupant, a wizard hermit who dabbled
in "wild magic" and could no longer control it. Because
of the anti magic field, the magic lights that normally
illuminate the tower have been suppressed. Only a wish
spell or similar magic can end this antimagic effect.

Scattered on the floors throughout the tower are six
longswords with no traces of rust or blood on them.
These blades are flying swords rendered inert by the
antimagic field. If a flying sword is taken from the tower,
it animates and attacks.

Fcnerus hid the Stone ofGolorr in the cauldron that
hangs in the fireplace on the upper level (area 03). But
it's not there anymore.
Before the characters reach area 03, three drow gun-
slinge rs (sec appendix B) under the effect of potions of
invisibility use their levitate spells to scale the outside of
the tower and crawl through the arrow s lits. While they
are inside the tower, their invisibility spells are negated
by the antimagic field. One of the drow quickly finds the
stone and takes it before the characters show up.
Unless they were defeated earlier in the adventure,
these drow arejarlaxle's lieutenants: Fel'rekt Lafeen,
Krebbyg Masq'il'yr, and Soluun Xibrindas. Replace any
that were killed earlier in the adventure with other drow
gunslingers, and roll initiative for each drow. Soluun (or
his replacement) can't resist a good fight and attacks the
characters, buying time for the other drow to escape.
Once they're outside the tower, the fleeing drow become
invisible again as they leap onto a nearby rooftop, but
the potions wear off at the end of their next turns, en-
abling characters to chase after them.

If the characters pursue the fleeing drow, proceed with
encounter 5, "Rooftop Chase."

The characters have learned that the Stone ofGolorr is
with Amath Sercent, a priest of Bane who is allied with
Manshoon. She and her acolytes reside in Yellowspire,
a Castle Ward tower so named because its bricks have
a pale yellow tinge to them. Amath is in the midst of
converting the tower into a temple of Bane. A telepor-
tation circle in t he basement allows for swift transport
to and from Kolat Towers and Manshoon's extradimen-
sional sanctum.

Amath Sercent (LE female Mulan priest) and her four
followers (LE male and female acolytes of mixed ethnic-
it ies) dress in common clothing when outside the tower.
Inside the structure, they wear fur-lined robes to stay
warm. They refer to the Lower as the House of Tyranny,
and black prints of their right hands, with fingers and
thumb held together. cover every interior surface. T hese
handprints mimic the symbol of Bane.
Amath and her followers assemble here for worship
but sleep elsewhere. When the characters first arrive.
all five have gathered in prayer on the upper floor of the
tower (area 03). Three black flying s nakes nest in the
rafters and join any battle here. During this ceremony,
Amath and her acolytes hold candles and form a circle
around a gagged and blindfolded broadsheet publisher
named Shan Chien (N male Shou human commoner).
The imperious, middle-aged man is shackled to the
floor, and Amath carries the key to the shackles. The
shackles can be broken by a creature that uses an action
to make a successful DC^20 Strength (Athletics) check.
Picking the shackles' lock requires thieves· tools and a
successful DC 15 Dexterity check.
The Banites' ritual is designed to break Shan's will,
making him subservient to Banc. Amath has been us-
ing this ritual to "turn" broadsheet publishers as part
of a larger plot to control the flow of information in the
city-a critical element of Manshoon's takeover. Shan
was abducted by A math's acolytes t he night before while
walking to his home in the Trades Ward. He publishes
The Targe, a broadsheet that offers up vitriolic ra nts on
all manner of local topics, including politics.
Amath has the Stone ofGolorr in her pocket. She is
expecting Manshoon or his simulacrum to arrive and
retrieve it shortly.

The tower is encircled by wooden scaffolding covered
with ice and snow. Despite its precarious appearance.
the scaffolding is secure and safe to walk on, enabling
creatures to scale the outside of the tower without
having to make ability checks. The scaffolding rattles
and creaks. however, and any creature that mo\·es on it
must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity (Stealth) check or be
heard by the tower's occupants.

The characters must fight Amath and her acolytes to
get the Stone ofGolorr. When they finally obtain it, fate
deals them an unkind hand as Manshoon's simulacru m
(see "Manshoon" in appendix B) arrives by way of the

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