Commonsense Composition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1 Chapter 8. Business Documents

  • Participate in annual team fundraiser for team travel and uniforms

New York City Little League, May 2004 – October 2008

  • Played on several little league teams; my team went to playoffs each year

  • Played various positions, such as pitcher, catcher, and outfield

  • Helped my father coach my younger brother’s team; worked with individual players on special skills

City High School Baseball Team Annual Fundraiser, October 2010

Advertising Team Leader

  • Solicited donations from sponsors to advertise in the program for our annual fundraiser

  • Took photographs of team members to use in the program

  • Help plan and create the layout for the 27 page program

Interests: Sports, Skateboarding, Photography

References available upon request.

Review Questions

  1. Think about a job you would like to do this summer. What sort of skills will you need to be able to do this job?
    What makes you think you would be good at this job? Make a list of the skills you think would be appropriate
    for this job and indicate why you think you would be good at this job. Then organize a résumé that indicates
    your qualifications.

Statements of Purpose

What is a Statement of Purpose?

A statement of purpose is a personal statement that some colleges require as part of their admissions process. You can
use your statement of purpose to explain your educational and career goals, your background, and your personality.
It is your chance to show off what makes you a unique and valuable candidate for a school. Some schools include
focused questions in their applications, and some ask for an open-ended essay. No matter what you are writing
about, there are some rules that always apply to personal statements.

Rule 1: Read the directions and answer the questions completely.

Always read the directions and the questions for a personal statement thoroughly. Know what you are being asked.
College admissions officers are not only looking for how well-written and interesting your essay is, they are looking
for whether or not your essay is on-topic. Some applications will ask multi-part questions. You should be sure
to answer each question fully. For instance, if an application asks you to explain why you want to go into your
selected major and what you plan to do with your degree, don’t just write about how you were inspired to become an
environmental scientist at a young age. You can tell that story, but also include details about how you want to work
to preserve the redwood forests or go on to graduate school after you finish your degree.

Rule 2: Show something unique about yourself.

More and more people apply to colleges each year. The goal of your personal statement is to help you stand out
from the crowd. Thus, you will want to write an essay that shows who you are. This is often best done with a story

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