CK-12 Physical Science Concepts - For Middle School

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4.48. Compound Machine

4.48 Compound Machine

  • Define compound machine.

  • Identify the simple machines in a compound machine.

Did you ever look closely at the moving parts of a bicycle? You can see some of them in the opening image. Do you
see any simple machines, such as pulleys, wheels and axles, levers, or screws? A bicycle consists of many simple
machines. It’s an example of a compound machine.

Q: What simple machines can you identify in the bicycle parts pictured above?

A: Find out if you are right at the following URL. Click on the parts of the bicycle in the animation to find the simple

What Is a Compound Machine?

Acompound machineis a machine that consists of more than one simple machine. Some compound machines
consist of just two simple machines. You can read below about two examples—the wheelbarrow and corkscrew.
Other compound machines, such as bicycles, consist of many simple machines. Big compound machines such as
cars may consist of hundreds or even thousands of simple machines. You can see a student’s compound machine
invention that includes several simple machines at this URL:

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