Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1
of demon or demonic aUy. A good explanation- that
Ravengard is actually a great demon hunter, that he

has trapped a demon the characters plan to kill, and

so forth-alongside a successful DC 15 Charisma (De-

ception or Persuasion) check prompts Gideon to let

them pass.


When the characters arrive back at the High Hall ca-
thedral with Grand Duke Ravengard in tow, they can

consult with Pherria to find a way to remove the Helm

of Tor m's Sight without killing Ravengard. Doing so

involves a ritual that the characters can help carry out.

If the ritual is successful, the stunned condition ends on

Ravengard, and he recalls the visions he experienced

that hint at how to return Elturel to Faerun. These vi-

sions trigger some of Lulu's memories. She sees a path

forward, but it involves the characters leaving the city to

brave the terrible landscape of Avernus.
Characters wishing to leave Elturel must find a way to
avoid the River Styx and the host of devils and demons

waging war below the city. Only then can the characters

make their way to the outpost known as Fort Knuckle-

bone, where the next leg of their adventure starts (as

described in chapter 3).


The characters can make their way back to the relative

safety of the cathedral in the High Hall. If they helped
defeat the devils that attempted to take the cathedral
earlier, the trip should be uneventful. Alternatively,

to keep the tension high, you can roll for random en-

counters in the western portion of the city (see "More

Encounters in Elturel," page 54). An encounter or

two while the characters protect Duke Ravengard could
make for memorable play.


Upon returning to the High Hall cathedral with Ulder

Ravengard, the characters are greeted by PherriaJynks

and the druid Seltern Obranch, who rush to aid them

in getting the grand duke to a safe resting place. If the
characters faiJed to save the people in the cathedral,

they must find a safe place to rest or forge ahead with-

out assistance. They can search the rest of the city for

secure locations, or look for other survivors who might

have skills or information that can assist them. Lulu
might also regain memories that grant her insight into
where to go next.
If the characters failed to ascertain the story behind

Ravengard's stunned state, Pherria can assist them in

putting things together. Working with the acolyte, the

characters (especially those who have proficiency in Ar-

cana and Religion) determine how to move forward. The

demonic essence intertwined with Torm's presence by

way of the helm can be cast out with the proper ritual.


Pherria outlines what's needed for the ritual:

• The altar of Torm in area H6 must be cleansed and

the ritual performed before it. The altar of Torm can

be restored as described in area H6 (see page 61).

Pherria suggests that the characters splash the altar

with holy water taken from the font in area H16.

• A creature standing within 5 feet of the restored altar

must recite a special prayer to Torm. Only this prayer

can break evil's hold on Grand Duke Ulder Raven-

gard's mind.
A powerful symbol of courage and self-sacrifice is

needed to empower the ritual. Pherria suggests the

greatsword of the Unknown Hero in area HIS. (The

characters can use a different object that symbolizes

courage and self-sacrifice, at your discretion.)


Pherria warns the characters that she has never at-

tempted this particular ritual before, and that they

should be ready to step in and help her-or to fight off
any evil forces that might try to disrupt the process.

The ritual prayer takes 30 seconds to recite. Pher-

ria knows the prayer by heart, but another creature

can invoke a suitable prayer with a successful DC

10 Intelligence (Religion) check. While the prayer is

being spoken, one character must spend the next 5

rounds gently resting the sword of the Unknown Hero

on the Helm of Torm's Sight. While the prayer is being

spoken, the one holding the sword must succeed on a

DC 11 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of

their turns or take 10 (3d6) force damage.

Immediately after the character holding the sword
makes their first saving throw, the potent magic of the
ritual attracts demonic spirits loyal to Baphomet, which

emerge from the helm as two will-o'-wisps that attempt

to disrupt the ritual by attacking the individuals reciting
the prayer and holding the sword.

When the character holding the sword makes the last

saving throw, the ritual is complete. The will-o'-wisps

are banished, and Ravengard comes to his senses.

You can simplify the encounter with Ulder Ravengard by
allowing the characters to remove the Helm ofTorm's
Sight from his head, whereupon Ravengard quickly regains
his senses. At that point, he can tell them about his vi·
sions, which provide the information they need and trigger
Lulu's memories. He then lets them plot a path forward in
their quest to save Elturel.
Alternatively, Ravengard can fall unconscious when the
helm is removed, even as the character who removes it
feels an almost overwhelming urge to don it. A charac·
ter who dons the helm feels at peace and sees visions
of troops in gleaming armor marching across a grassy
plain with military precision. In the next breath, the
character sees massive groups of disfigured monsters
loping across a blighted landscape, tearing at screaming
enemies. The character wearing the helm can't remove it
until they receive a bless spell from a worshiper ofTorm.
(Pherria fits this description.) In the meantime, as the
adventuring party travels back to the cathedral with the
still-unconscious Ravengard, the character wearing the
helm experiences the same visions that Ravengard was
having, as described in "The Path Forward" (page 72).
Ravengard then awakens after l hour, no worse for wear.

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