Descent into Avernus

(Jeff_L) #1

Medium humanoid (human), neutral

Armor Class 20 (plate, shield)
Hit Points 11 2 (15d8 + 45)
Speed 25 ft.

17 (+3)

14 (+2)

16 (+3)

Saving Throws Con +6, Wis + 3

11 (+O)

10 (+O)

Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +6, Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common
Challenge 5 (l,800 XP)


17 (+3)

Multiattack. Ulder makes t hree melee attacks, only one of
which can be with his shield.

+1 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) s lash ing damage, or 9 (ldlO + 4) slash-
ing damage when used with two hands.

Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: + 6 to hit, reach S ft., one crea-
ture. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and Ulder pushes
the target S feet away from him. Ulder then enters the space
vacated by the target. If the target is pushed to within S feet o f
a creature fr iendly to Ulder, the target provokes an opportunity
attack from that c reature.

Guardian Strike. If an enemy within 5 feet of Ulder attacks a
target other than h im , Ulder can make a melee attack against
that enemy.


This chamber was a place for the most devout of Torm's

followers to touch the mind of their god in search of

answers and solace. The water in the pool is only 1 foot

deep. A benign magical effect within the pool causes the

water to flow slowly in a clockwise direction. Though

tainted with abyssal power, the water presents no haz-

ard to creatures that enter it, and is not difficult terrain.

The east wall of this area is a roiling field of abyssal

energy, marking the portal where Baphomet has used

this area's corrupted Link to Torm to connect the Abyss

to Avernus, by way of Elturel.

Ulder Ravengard (see the accompanying stat block)

found the Helm ofTorm's Sight in area Gll and donned

it. The helm is a nonmagical item through which Torm

can send visions. Ravengard was beginning to establish

a connection with Torm when a disturbance in this

room brought him and his guards into combat with de-

monic creatures sent through the portal by Baphomet.

Ravengard was subjected to a psychic attack that drew

his mind into a connection with Baphomet. Now the

helm can't be removed, and he is locked in a mental bat-

tle with the demon lord. Ravengard is stunned until the

helm is removed. The helm can't be removed from him

while he is alive-at least, not yet.

As the characters observe the struggle taking place

within Ravengard, three wild-eyed minotaurs come

through the portal. They charge into battle with the
characters but avoid Ravengard because of the demonic
presence they feel within him.
Any character who understands Celestial or Abyssal

can recognize some of the words escaping Ravengard's

lips. He alternates between the two languages as both

Torm and Baphomet speak through him. A successful

DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) check reveals
that the psychic struggle taking place within Raven-

gard's mind is between some divine higher power and a

terrible, demonic entity. The power of the portal is now

tied into the helm, and to Ravengard. The same check

also reveals that no simple spell can break this hold-
but that a more involved ritual might free Ravengard
and shut down the portal by allowing the power of Torm

to sanctify this area once more.

Characters who spoke to Pherria back at the cathedral

remember that she was a sage who specialized in exor-

cism and possession. As such, she might be able to help.

Treasure. Searching the bodies of the fallen guards

turns up three wet but usable spell scrolls (mass healing

word, remove curse, and tongues).

ln addition to the Helm ofTorm's Sight, Ravengard

wears a bloodied suit of plate armor emblazoned with

the emblem of the F laming Fist. His shield, which also

bears this emblem, is slung over his back. The grand

duke's +1 longsword is sheathed at his side.


Once the characters defeat the minotaurs, they can

carry Ravengard back to the High Hall. If Gideon has

not been destroyed, he might question the characters as

they leave the chapel or the cemetery. See area G4 for

information on roleplaying Gideon.

Hearing Ravengard mumbling in Abyssal, Gideon

might need convincing that Ravengard is not some sort

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