If the partydisposes of the Redbrandleader, Halia
Thornton approaches certain members of the groupto
urge themto jointhe Zhentarim.Shespeaks withthose
whoshare the Zhentarim'spursuits, suchas wealthand
power.Evenif the partywipes out the Redbrandgang,
Haliamight stillextend the offerin an effortto gainfriends
(andspies)within the party.If a character agrees, Halia
givesthe individualthe titleof Fang.
A wisefemale halflingof forty-five,QellineAlderleaf is
a pragmatic farmer whoseems to knoweverything that
goeson in town.Sheis a kindhost,andis willingto let the
characters stayin her hayloftif theydon'twantto stayat
the StonehillInn.
Carp'sStory.Qelline's son,Carp,is a spirited and
precocious halfling lad of ten years.He is enchantedby the
ideaof beingan adventurer andsaysthathe wasplaying
in the woodsnear Tresendar Manorwhen he founda
secret tunnel in a thicket.A couple of "biguglybandits"
came out of the tunnelwhen he wasthere, andmetwith
a pairof Redbrands. Theydidn't see him,but it wasclose.
Carpthinks thatthe banditshavea secret lairunderthe
old manor house.He cantakethe charactersto the tunnel
or provide themwithdirections to the location. Thetunnel
leadsto area 8 in the Redbrandhideout.
Quest:Reidoth the Druid.Qellineis a longtime friend
of a druidnamed Reidoth. If shefigures out thatthe
characters are lookingfor specificsitesin the area,such
as Cragmaw Castle or WaveEcho Cave,shesuggests that
theyvisitReidothandaskfor his help,"since there's not an
inchof the landhe doesn'tknow."Shetellsthe characters
thatReidoth recently set out for the ruinsof a towncalled
Thundertree, justwestof the NeverwinterWood.The
ruins are aboutfiftymilesnorthwest of Phandalin, and
sheprovides directions so the characters caneasilyfind
the place.If the partypursues thisquest,see"Ruins of
Thundertree" (page30).
Phandalin's onlytempleis a smallshrine made of stones
taken fromthe nearbyruins. It is dedicatedto Tymora,
goddess of luckandgoodfortune.
Theshrine is in the careof a scholarly acolytenamed
Sister Garaele, a zealous youngelf whodespairs of ever
ridding Phandalin of the Redbrands.Sister Garaele
is a memberof the Harpers, a scattered network of
adventurers andspieswhoadvocate equality and
covertlyoppose the abuseof power.TheHarpers gather
information throughout the landto thwart tyrants and
anyleader, government, or groupthatgrows too strong.
Theyaid the weak,the poor,andthe oppressed.Sister
Garaele regularly reports to her superiorson eventsin and
around Phandalin.
Quest:The Banshee's Bargain.Recently, Garaele's
superiors askedher to undertakea delicate mission.
Theywanted her to persuadea banshee named Agatha to
answer a question about a spellbook. Garaele sought out
Agatha in her lair,but the creaturedid not appear for her.
Garaele desires an intermediary to bringAgatha a
suitable gift,a jeweled silvercomb,andpersuade the
creature to tell whatsheknowsabout the locationof
a spellbook belonging to a legendary magenamed
Bowgentle. Sister Garaele believes thata character who
flatters Agatha's vanitymight be ableto tradethe comb
for an answer. Sheoffersthe questto the charactersand
offersthem threepotions of healing as payment for their
efforts.If the partypursues thisquest,see"Conyberry and
Agatha's Lair"(page 28).
If the partyhelps Garaele learn the fateof Bowgentle's
spellbook,the elf privatelyapproaches certain members
of the groupto urgethem to jointhe Harpers.Shespeaks
withthose whoexemplify the virtuesof the network
andpossess a desire to enact positive changethrough
information andsecrecy. If a character agrees, Sister
Garaele awards the individualthe titleof Watcher.
Thisrundown tap houseis a dirty,dangerous watering
holeat the endof Phandalin's main street. It is frequented
by Redbrand thugsandoperated by a surlyfemale dwarf
named Grista. If the characterschoose to visitthe place,
runthe "RedbrandRuffians" encounter.
Thetownmaster's hallhas sturdy stone walls, a pitched
wooden roof, anda belltower at theback. Posted on a board
nextto the front door is a notice written in Common. It reads:
"REWARD-Orcs nearWyvern Tor!Those of a mind to face
the orc menaceshould inquire within." Thenotice bears the
town's sealandan indecipherable signature.
Phandalin hasno functioninggovernment, but the
townsfolk elect someone to serveas townmaster each
year.Thetownmaster serves as a judgein minor disputes
andkeeps anyrecords thatneed to be kept.Thecurrent
townmaster is a malehuman banker named Harbin
Wester-a fat, pompous old fool.Completely intimidated
by the Redbrands,he claimsthatthey're "justa mercenary
guild,andnot all thatmuch trouble, really."
Thetownmaster's hallhasa small but serviceable jail in
the cellar.Thejail consistsof twocells,andHarbin carries
keysto the celldoors.
Quest:OreTrouble.Harbin is lookingfor someone
to headeaston the TriboarTrail,where travelers have
reported troublewitha bandof orcsnearWyvern Tor.
He offers 100 gp to anygroup thatcantakecareof the
problem. If the partypursues thisquest,see"Wyvern
Quest:FindingCregmawCastle.Afterresting at the
Stonehill Inn,Sildar Hallwinter establishes himself at
the townmaster'shall.As an agentof the Lords'Alliance,
his goalis to bringlawandorder to Phandalin. As such,
he wants to findthe lostmine of WaveEchoCaveand
helpthe Rockseekerbrothers put it backintoproduction,
believing thatbringing prosperity to the regionwillhelp
civilizethe town.
Sildar alsoencourages the charactersto keepup the
pressure on the Cragmawgoblins.He offersthe party
a 500gp rewardif theycanlocateCragmaw Castleand