SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

where r 1 and M 1 represent the diffusion/effusion rate and molar mass of gas 1, and r 2 and M 2
represent the diffusion/effusion rate and molar mass of gas 2. In general, this means that larger gas
molecules diffuse/effuse at a slower rate than smaller gas molecules.


One common  application of  Graham’s    law is  in  the separation  of  isotopes;   for example,    in
the enrichment of uranium for nuclear reactors. Most of the naturally occurring atoms of
uranium are U-238, while a few are the U-235 isotopes used as fuel for nuclear fission
reactors. This lighter isotope is collected and concentrated by letting a sample of uranium
(compounded with fluorine) effuse into an evacuated container. The fluoride compound
with the lighter isotope would diffuse faster and thus be present in a higher concentration in
the second container. This procedure is repeated several times to attain the desired isotopic
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