SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(A) 316.3   kcal
(B) 12.5 kcal
(C) –291.3 kcal
(D) –316.3 kcal
(E) 57.8 kcal

40 . Which of the following molecules is polar?

(A) BH 3
(B) NF 3
(C) C 2 H 6
(D) SF 6
(E) CCl 4

41 . Consider the following gas phase reaction:

H 2  (g)    +   Br 2    (g)     2HBr    (g)

The concentrations  of  H 2 ,   Br 2 ,  and HBr are 0.05    M,  0.03    M,  and 500.0   M,  respectively.   The
concentration equilibrium constant for this reaction at 400°C is 2.5 × 103 . Is this system at

(A) Yes,    the system  is  at  equilibrium.
(B) No, the reaction must shift to the right in order to reach equilibrium.
(C) No, the reaction must shift to the left in order to reach equilibrium.
(D) It cannot be determined.
(E) This system will never be at equilibrium.

42 . The Ka of acetic acid is 2 × 10 –5. What is the pH of a 0.5 M solution of acetic acid?

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