SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

60 . E

An  endothermic reaction    would   have    ∆H° reaction    >0. The relevant    balanced    equation    is:

2 C 8 H 18 + 25 O 2 → 16 CO 2 + 18 H 2 O

Since   ∆H° <0and   ∆S° >0, the value   of  ∆G° must    always  be  negative,   so  the reaction    is  indeed
spontaneous at all temperatures (including at room temperature). Combustion (burning in air)
of organic compounds gives CO 2 and H 2 O as products, and combustion is a redox process,
since the oxidation numbers of elements are changing.

61 . B
The free energy (∆G°), cell potential, and equilibrium constant of a reaction are all interrelated
and can be calculated from each other (∆G° = –RTlnK, ∆G° = –nFE°cell ). Activation energy is
independent of ∆G.

62 . C
In a saturated solution of Ca(OH) 2 at equilibrium

63 . A

An  increase    in  temperature favors  an  endothermic process (in this    case,   the forward reaction,
because ∆H° is positive). The reaction will shift to the right, producing more moles of CO and
H 2 and consuming CH 3 OH, and the value of K will increase. Remember that a change in
temperature is the only thing that can change K.

64 . A
The moles of water removed during the heating are calculated by obtaining the mass of water
removed and then converting it to moles. The mass of water evaporated off during heating of
the sample is calculated by subtracting the mass of crucible, cover and sample prior to

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