SAT Subject Test Chemistry,10 edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Kinetic molecular theory

Kinetic molecular theory
The theory proposed to account for the observed behavior of gases. The theory considers gas
molecules to be pointlike, volumeless particles, exhibiting no intermolecular forces and in constant
random motion, undergoing only completely elastic collisions with the container or other
molecules. See Ideal gas law.

Law of conservation of mass

Law of conservation of mass
The law stating that in a given reaction, the mass of the products is equal to the mass of the

Law of constant composition

Law of  constant    composition
The law stating that the elements in a pure compound are found in specific weight ratios.

Le Châtelier’s principle

Le Châtelier’s principle
The observation that when a system at equilibrium is disturbed or stressed, the system will react
in such a way as to relieve the stress and restore equilibrium. See Equilibrium.

Lewis acid

Lewis   acid
A species capable of accepting an electron pair; e.g., BF 3.

Lewis base

Lewis   base
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