SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

of a certain perimeter is that rhombus that has each pair of adjacent sides perpendicular, in which
case you have a square.

Square: A square is a four-sided figure with four right angles and four equal sides. A square is also a
rectangle, a parallelogram, and a rhombus. The perimeter of a square is equal to 4 times the length
of one side.

Area    of  Square  =   (side)^2

The square above, with sides of length 5, has an area of 5^2 = 25.


1. Trapezoid:   One pair    of  parallel    sides.

Parallelogram:  Two pairs   of  parallel    sides.

Area    of  Parallelogram   =   base    ×   height


Rectangle:  Four    right   angles.

Perimeter   of  Rectangle   =   2(length    +   width)

Area    of  Rectangle   =   length  ×   width


4. Rhombus: Four    equal   sides.
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