SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The key insight here    is  to  notice  that    when    20% of  the flashes are removed,    80% remain. Call
the number of flashes on the first day F. Then the number of flashes on the second day is

. On the third day, the number is 80% or of of F—which you can express
more simply as . Similarly, on the fourth day, the number of flashes is .
You’re given that the number of flashes on the fourth day is 704, so

If   ,  then     .  Use your    calculator: F   =   1,375.

6 . D

When    you’re  given   two parts   of  a   three-part  formula,    determining the third   part    is  almost
always a smart move. Begin with


and least   +   a   +   b   +   c   +   d + greatest    =   18. If  the average of  least   and greatest    is  5,  then    least   +
greatest = 10, so 10 + a + b + c + d = 18 and a + b + c + d = 8. Only in (D) do the numbers not
sum to 8.

7 . C
An intended part of the challenge of this question is the quantity and complexity of the data
it puts in front of you. Organize and relate these data by placing them in a structure such as
this one:

rate × time = distance
Leg 1 _____ _____ _______
Leg 2 _____ _____ _______

Call    the rate    of  Leg 1   r   and the time    of  Leg 1   t.  Then,
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