International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Muir, M. (1982) A History of Australian Children’s Book Illustration, Melbourne: Oxford University
Muir, P. (1954) English Children’s Books, 1600–1900, London: Batsford.
——(1971/1985) Victorian Illustrated Books, London: Batsford.
Philip, N. (1992) The Penguin Book of English Folktales, London: Penguin.
Quayle, E. (1971) Collector’s Book of Children’s Books, London: Studio Vista.
——(1983) Early Children’s Books. A Collector’s Guide, Newton Abbott: David and Charles.
Ray, G.N. (1976) The Illustrator and the Book in England from 1790 to 1914, New York: Pierpont
Morgan Library.
Roscoe, S. (1953) Thomas Bewick: A Catalogue Raisonné, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
——(1973) John Newbery and his Successors, 1740–1814: A Bibliography, Wormley: Five Owls
——and Brimmell, R.A. (1981) James Lumsden and Son of Glasgow, their Juvenile Books and
Chapbooks, Pinner: Private Libraries Association.
St. John, J. (1975) The Osborne Collection of Early Children’s Books, 1476–1910, Toronto: Toronto
Public Library.
Schutte, D. (1993) William: The Immortal: An Illustrated Bibliography, privately published.
Shaberman, R. (1990) George MacDonald: A Bibliographical Study, Winchester: St Paul’s
Thwaite, M.F. (1963/1972) From Primer to Pleasure in Reading, 2nd edn, London: Library
Townsend, J.R. (1994), Trade & Plumb-Cake for Ever, Huzza! The Life and Work of John Newbery
1713–1767, Cambridge: Colt Books.
Wardale, R. (1995) Ransome at Sea: Notes from the Chart Table, Kendal: Amazon Publications.
Whalley, J.I. (1974) Cobwebs to Catch Flies: Illustrated Books for the Nursery and Schoolroom,
1700–1900, London: Elek.
——and Chester, T.R. (1988) A History of Children’s Book Illustration, London: John Murray with
the Victoria and Albert Museum.

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