International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Gernsback, Hugo 259, 310
Ghana 447, 532
ghost stories 176–2
Ghurayyib, Rose 781
Gibbs, May 834–7
Gilbert, Pam 51–5
Gilbert, S. 94
Giovanni, Nikki 201
Gisbert, João Manuel 718, 721
Glatz, Jakob 743
Glazer, Joan 20–4
Gleeson, Libby 401
Gleitzman, Morris 522–1
Glen, Esther 844
Godden, Rumer 549
Godwin, William 210, 408
Göknil, Can 772
Goldberg, Moses:
Children’s Theatre 204–9
Golden Books 473
Goldengrove (Paton Walsh) 131
Golding, William:
Lord of the Flies 382
Goldsmith, Evelyn 117
Goldsmith, Oliver 407
González, Anson 871
Good Night Moon (Brown) 91–6
Goodrich, Samuel G. 428, 470, 862
Goody Two-Shoes (anonymous) 669
Goodyer, George 238
Gopalakrishnan, Kalvi 803
Gottlieb, Gerald 123
Gouin, J. 793
Grafenauer, Niko 767
Graham, Eleanor 467
Grahame, Kenneth 673, 679;
The Wind in the Willows 44–7, 212, 284–8
Gramcko, Ida 878
Grange Hill (television) 353
Grant, C.J. 239
Gray, Nicholas Stuart 213
Greece 441–8, 516, 517, 752–4;
literature 586–5
Greek myths 162, 164–70, 167–3, 302, 752
Green, Evelyn Everett 416
Green, Phyllis 379
Greenaway, Kate 194, 222, 223, 465, 541, 544,
Greenaway (Kate) Medal 229, 434, 502

Greene, Graham 413
Grice, Frederick 369
Griebner, Reinhard 737
Grimm, Albert Ludwig 150
Grimm Brothers (Wilhelm and Jacob) 102, 149,
149–5, 515, 646;
folk-tales 158;
readership 156;
Romanticism 728–8, 730
Grin, Aleksandr 761
Gripe, Maria 699
Griset, Ernest 221
Grubeshilieva, Maria 769
de Grummond Collection 123, 544
Guaramato, Oscar 878
Guardian Award 504
Guatemala 451
Gubar, S. 94
Guillot, René 714–4
Gulf (Westall) 132
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift) 322, 416, 491, 686
Güney, Elfâtun Cem 771
Gutiérrez, Joaquín 871
Guy, Rosa 880

Hacks, Peter 736
Haddad, Habbouha 781
Hade, D.D. 74
Hafiz 784–4
Haig-Brown, Roderick 851, 853
Haitani, Kenjiro 828
Hale, Kathleen:
Orlando the Marmalade Cat 228, 287, 458
Hale, Lucretia 340
Hale, Sarah Josephus 174, 195
Hall, Donald:
The Ox-Cart Man (with Cooney) 593
Hall, Major Sam 257
Hall, Stuart 33
Hallack, Cecily 275
Haller, Bernt 694
Halliday, M.A.K. 568
Hallworth, Grace 879
Halsey, Harlan P. 257
Hamada, Hirosuke 827
Hamilton, Charles 349–4
Hampson, Frank 246–1
Harcourt Brace Publishers 472, 473, 475
Harding, D.W. 25, 49, 68, 576–90


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