International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

overview of literature 708–25;
public libraries 609;
storytelling 535;
translated works 517, 517
de Francis, John 655–5
Frank, Anne:
Diary of a Young Girl 515–3, 647
Frankenstein (Shelley) 310
Frankfurt Book Fair 467, 518
Franklin Watts Publishers 473
von Franz, Marie Louise 89
Fraser, Gordon 242
Fraser, James 122
Freaky Friday (Rodgers) 293–8
Freedman, K.:
cultural response 78
Freeman, Bill 853
Fremont, Jessie Benton 256
French, Fiona 233
French language:
in Africa 649;
magazines 447
Freud, Sigmund 90
Freudian criticism 86–1
Freund, E. 70
Fritz, Jean 367–2
Frost, Arthur Burdett 249
Frost, Vicki 497
Fry, D. 76;
cultural response 78
Frye, Northrop 43, 44, 89
Fuertes, Gloria 718, 720–9
Fuglesang, A. 663
Funazaki, Yoshihiko 830
Furman, Pyotr 757
Fyodorov, Boris 757
Fyodorov, Ivan 756

Gabler, Mel and Norma 496–5
Gaelic language 681–1
Gág, Wanda 544, 867
Gaidar, Arkady 735, 761
Gaines, Max 252
Galda, L. 71
gender 182–7;
rhymes of oral tradition 182–8
Gardam, Jane 106
Garfield, Leon 265, 396, 397, 676

Garin-Mikhailovsky, Nikolai 758
Garmendía, Julio 878
Garner, Alan 275–80, 385, 552, 676;
on folk- tales 537;
The Owl Service 130–5;
Red Shift 402;
use of Welsh mythology 297
Garrard, Phillis 847
gay and lesbian relationships 99, 385
Gedike, L.F. 466–5
Geertz, Clifford 35
adventure stories 327–2;
boys’ and girls’ stories 346–50, 672;
and culture 33;
games 182–7;
ideology 51–5;
ideology and contradictory readings 50;
interest in information books 433;
maternality of fairy tales 153;
origins of ideological construction 103;
politics in Earthsea 100–5;
pony stories 356–1, 363;
representation and bias 41–4;
roles 50–3;
sex roles 98;
sexism 98;
tomboys 50;
visual codes 114;
women distance selves from romance 408;
women’s and children’s literature 22
Genette, Gérard: transtexuality 128
de Genlis, Madame 210, 708–18
adoption by different age groups 419–7;
collections 122
Geras, Adèle 276
German language:
international publishing 647
Germany 467, 726–46;
cultural response 78;
eastern literature 735–6;
effect of National Socialism 732;
fairy tales 149–5;
journals 487;
magazines 441;
oral tradition 534;
Romanticism 149, 728–9;
translated works 516–5

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