International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Philip, Neil 124, 186
the Philippines 812
picture books 109–23;
alphabet and counting books 374;
board books 375;
contemporary authors and illustrators 229–
early engravings and woodcuts 216–5;
effect of rising literacy 222;
gap between illustration and text 592–593;
historical development 216–9;
iconic representation 110, 112;
implied readers 114;
information books 435;
intertextuality 227–2;
metafiction 395;
modern development 227–3;
psychoanalytical criticism 117–2;
psychology of perception 117;
right to gaze 115;
semiotics 119;
signed language and written 638–6;
teaching 592–593;
‘toy’ books 221–5;
translations 517–6, 519;
visual arts 76;
visual codes 113–18, 115, 117, 118–3;
for visually impaired 639–8
Pienkowski, Jan 235, 377, 459
Piggybook (Browne) 571–2
The Pilgrim’s Progress (Bunyan) 138, 268, 273,
423, 669
Pilkington, Mary 143
Pillar, A.M. 76
Pinkwater, Daniel Manus 867–80
Pinocchio 748
Pippi Longstocking (Lindgren) 516, 698, 732
Pita Rodríguez, Felix 876
Pitzorno, Bianca 750
Piumini, Roberto 750
Plath, Sylvia 414
Plato 166, 523
playground rhymes 175–6
Pocaaterra, José Rafael 878
poetry 186–201, 645;
authority of rhyme and assonance 180;
Britain 670, 673, 677;
Canada 855–8;
defining that for children 186–2;

Eliot 412;
international 201;
nonsense 195–9;
nursery rhymes 172–80;
pre-twentieth century 188–197;
reader response studies 72;
Romantic movement 192;
Russia 757, 759, 760;
teaching 595–4;
twentieth century 187–2, 197–4
Pohl, Peter 699
Poland 766;
awards 505;
magazines 443;
translated works 516
Poland, Marguerite 790
Political Shakespeare (Dollimore and Sinfield)
politics and war 750, 755;
effect on children’s books 652–2;
effect on
publishing 646–6;
Vietnamese war 836;
violence 389–5
Pollyanna (Porter) 340
Poluskin, Maria 514
pony books 356–7;
appeal to all ages 421;
formula 357;
four categories 356;
plot formula 289;
social class 357–2;
young authors 361–6
popular fiction:
Robinsonnades 850
popular literature
see also comics:
censorship 492–1;
conflict within the middle class 47;
dime novels, pulps and penny dreadfuls 255–
gulf between school and leisure 424;
ideology and contradictory readings 49–2;
pony books 356–7;
reactionary values 50
Porter, Eleanor Hodgson:
Pollyanna 340
Porter, Sheena 549
Portugal 722–4;


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