Ancient Literacies

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Johnson, William A. 2000. ‘‘Towards a Sociology of Reading in Classical Anti
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between the Lines: Perspectives on Foreign Language Literacy. New Haven.
Olson, D. R. 1994.The World on Paper: The Conceptual and Cognitive Implications
of Writing and Reading. Cambridge.
Ong, Walter J. 1982.Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. London
and New York.
Street, Brian V. 1984.Literacy in Theory and Practice. Cambridge.
. 1988. ‘‘Literacy Practices and Literacy Myths.’’ In Roger Saljo, ed.,The
Written World: Studies in Literate Thought and Action. Berlin.
, ed. 1993.Cross Cultural Approaches to Literacy. Cambridge.
Thomas, Rosalind. 1992.Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece. Cambridge.

10 Ancient Literacies

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