Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1192 Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

Afrikaners II:494, 495
afterlife I:313, 314
age II:729; III:969
Age of Innocence, The (Wharton)
Age of Reason, The (Paine) III:857–860
aggression II:802
aging III:1078, 1187–1188
AIDS II:688–691
Albee, Edward I:133–137
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof III:1151–
Crime and Punishment I:360–361
family I:31
House Made of Dawn II:785
Iceman Cometh III:843–846
Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistf ight in
Heaven I:142
Long Day’s Journey into Night III:847
Alcott, Louisa May I:137–141
family I:31
illness I:56
parenthood I:80
success I:109
Alexie, Sherman I:9–10, 141–144
Alger, Horatio I:108
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll)
alienation I:3–5
American Tragedy, An I:370
Angels in America II:688–689
Awakening I:283
Bend in the River III:819, 820
Black Boy III:1181
Bluest Eye II:796
Cane III:1074–1075
“Cathedral” I:261–262
“Civil Disobedience” III:1057, 1058
In Cold Blood I:255
community I:20
The Crucible II:764–765
Dubliners II:631
futility I:38
Heart Is a Lonely Hunter II:742–743
Heart of Darkness I:298, 300
House Made of Dawn II:785–786
Iceman Cometh III:844
Leaves of Grass III:1136
Lesson before Dying II:470–471
Long Day’s Journey into Night
Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Martian Chronicles I:222–223

Native Son III:1185, 1186
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
religion I:92
“Rose for Emily, A” II:429
Steppenwolf II:562–563
Sun Also Rises II:552–553
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:880
The Tempest III:967–968
Tender Is the Night II:442–443
U.S.A. trilogy I:355–357
Waste Land I:387–388
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
work I:121
Allende, Isabel I:144–148
alliterative verse I:163–167
All the Pretty Horses (McCarthy)
Almanac of the Dead (Silko) III:984–987
Alvarez, Julia I:148–150
ambition I:5–8
American Tragedy, An I:369–370
Bell Jar III:870–871
Cannery Row III:1009–1010
Doctor Faustus II:732–733
Fathers and Sons III:1081
Frankenstein III:980
Frogs I:168–169
Go Tell It on the Mountain I:197
House of Mirth III:1129
Iceman Cometh III:845
Jude the Obscure II:511–512
Julius Caesar III:935–936
Macbeth III:942–943
The Pearl III:1018
Portrait of a Lady II:615–616
Remains of the Day II:602–603
Remembrance of Things Past
Percy Bysshe Shelley III:981–982
Souls of Black Folk I:379
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
“American Adam” (Lewis) I:74
American Book Award III:827
American dream, the I:8–10
ambition I:7
American Pastoral III:904
American Tragedy, An I:370–371
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s
Court III:1090
Death of a Salesman II:767–769
Great Gatsby II:439–440
House on Mango Street I:285–286

How the García Girls Lost Their Accents
Iceman Cometh III:845
The Jungle III:991–992
Little Women I:138–139
Of Mice and Men III:1015–1016
Outsiders II:565–566
Raisin in the Sun II:508–509
Red Pony III:1023
On the Road II:643–644
Souls of Black Folk I:377
Tree Grows in Brooklyn III:995
Up from Slavery III:1117, 1119
U.S.A. trilogy I:357
Women of Brewster Place III:827–
American Pastoral (Roth) III:904–907
American Revolution III:856, 857, 859
“American Scholar, The” (Emerson)
American Tragedy, An (Dreiser) I:102,
Amis, Kingsley I:150–154
“Among School Children” (Yeats)
III:1187–1188, 1190
Anaya, Rudolfo I:154–157
Anderson, Sherwood I:157–160
Angelou, Maya I:160–163
Angels in America (Kushner) I:52, 57, 68;
Anglican Church II:734
angry young man movement I:151, 152
Animal Farm (Orwell) III:850–853
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy) I:30
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
(Frank) I:77, 118; II:455–458
Annie John (Kincaid) I:27; II:649–652
Anthem (Rand) III:894–897
Anthills of the Savannah (Achebe)
Antigone (Sophocles) I:48, 79;
Antigua II:653–656
antihero I:386; II:647, 649
anti-Semitism II:500
anxiety I:330, 387
Anxiety of Influence, The (Bloom) I:116
“A&P” (Updike) I:48–49; III:1092–
apartheid I:77–78, 87–88; II:496
apocalyptic novels III:984–987
“April 2006” (Bradbury) I:224
“Araby” ( Joyce) II:628, 629
Archangel Michael II:771
archetype III:1025, 1028
Arendt, Hannah I:87, 117
Aristophanes I:99, 167–175
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