Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1194 Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

Emma I:185
innocence and experience I:61
Tree Grows in Brooklyn III:994
“Billy Budd, Sailor” (Melville) I:94;
Bingo Palace, The (Erdrich) I:408–411
“Birth-mark, The” (Hawthorne) I:96;
Black Boy (Wright) III:1180–1183
“Black Cat, The” (Poe) II:712
Black Elk I:212–216
Black Elk Speaks I:212–216
Blake, William I:11, 60–61, 216–219
blank verse III:1177, 1178
Bless Me, Ultima (Anaya) I:154–157
“Blood Burning Moon” (Toomer)
III:1075, 1077
Bloom, Harold I:116
Bluest Eye, The (Morrison) I:110–111;
Boccaccio, Giovanni I:24, 82
“Bona and Paul” (Toomer) III:1076
Booker Prize II:774
Book of the Courtier, The (Castiglione) I:26
“Book of the Grotesque, The” (Sherwood)
I:157–158, 160
boom novels II:473–477
Border trilogy II:739–742
Bowlby, John I:2
“Box Seat” (Toomer) III:1076, 1077
Bradbury, Ray I:18, 97, 219–225
Bradford, William I:225–229
Brave New World (Huxley) I:81;
Brontë, Charlotte I:229–232
childhood I:11
cruelty I:23
guilt I:46–47
heroism I:48
individual and society I:59
Wide Sargasso Sea III:901–903
Brontë, Emily I:232–235
Brown Girl, Brownstones (Marshall)
Browning, Robert I:235–239
brutality III:1115, 1116
Buddha I:40
Buddha of Suburbia, The (Kureishi)
Buddha of Suburbia II:685, 687
futility I:39
Grapes of Wrath III:1015
Kim II:672, 673
Bunyan, John I:239–243; III:1085
Burger’s Daughter (Gordimer) II:494–497
“Burial of the Dead” (Eliot) I:387, 388

Burns, Rex I:108
Burns, Robert III:918, 919
Burr, Raymond I:369
Burton, Richard I:133
Butler, Judith I:40–41
Byron, George Gordon (6th Baron Byron)
I:6, 243–246; III:981
“By the Roadside” (Whitman) III:1134
“Caedmon’s Hymn” I:165
Call of the Wild, The (London)
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” II:755
Emily Dickinson I:348–351
nature I:74
Paradise Lost II:771
Pilgrim’s Progress I:241
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
God” I:381, 382
Campbell, Joseph I:48
Camus, Albert I:3, 38, 59, 246–250
Candide (Voltaire) III:1103–1106
Cane (Toomer) I:109; III:1074–1077
Cannery Row (Steinbeck) III:1008–1012
Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer)
death I:24
memory I:70
nature I:74
religion I:92
science and technology I:95–96
work I:120
Cao Xueqin I:250–254
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” II:753
The Hobbit III:1066
Nineteen Eighty-Four III:853
On the Road II:645
Small Place II:653–655
U.S.A. trilogy I:355–356
Capote, Truman I:65, 254–257
captivity narratives I:113; III:907–911
Carlyle, Thomas I:48
Carretta, Vincent I:405, 406
Carroll, Lewis I:11–12, 257–261
Carson, Rachel I:75, 114
Carver, Raymond I:20, 261–265
caste system
Fine Balance II:775–777
God of Small Things III:911, 914
Middleman and Other Stories II:810
Remembrance of Things Past
social class I:100–101
Castiglione, Baldassare I:26

Catch-22 (Heller) I:18; II:541–545
Catcher in the Rye, The (Salinger) I:39, 54,
106; III:918–921
“Cathedral” (Carver) I:20, 261–265
Cather, Willa I:94, 265–271
Catherine of Genoa, St. I:104
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” II:755
Bless Me, Ultima I:157
Candide III:1103, 1105
Confessions of St. Augustine I:184
Doctor Faustus II:734, 735
Dubliners II:632
Heart of the Matter II:502–504
Modest Proposal III:1042–1046
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Rape of the Lock III:883
survival I:112–113
Wise Blood III:840
Catlin, George II:789
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Williams)
Cat’s Cradle (Vonnegut) III:1106–1110
censorship I:221
Ceremony (Silko) I:107; III:988–991
“Chapter on Dreams, A” (Stevenson)
charity I:343
chastity I:174, 252
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Canterbury Tales I:271–275
death I:24
memory I:70
nature I:74
religion I:92
science and technology I:95–96
work I:120
Chekhov, Anton I:275–278
Chesnutt, Charles W. I:278–281
Chicano literature I:154–157, 285–291
childbirth III:1071–1072
childhood I:10–12
abandonment I:2
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland I:260
Beloved II:793–794
Black Boy III:1180
Color Purple III:1114
Confessions of St. Augustine I:182–
David Copperf ield I:334–335
The Hobbit III:1064
House for Mr. Biswas III:826
House on Mango Street I:285
innocence and experience I:60–61
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