Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

1196 Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

House of Mirth III:1129–1130
House of the Seven Gables II:528–529
Modest Proposal III:1043–1044
Moll Flanders I:322
Out of Africa I:352
Rainbow II:692–693
Rape of the Lock III:884–885
Small Place II:653–654
Tripmaster Monkey II:663–664
White Noise I:328–329
Wise Blood III:840–841
Women in Love II:695–696
Common Sense (Paine) III:861–863
Burger’s Daughter II:494
Nineteen Eighty-Four III:853
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Unbearable Lightness of Being
Woman Warrior II:670
Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels)
Communitas (Goodman and Goodman)
community I:19–21
Adventures of Augie March I:208
Adventures of Tom Sawyer III:1086
Age of Innocence III:1123–1124
Almanac of the Dead III:984–985
Angels in America II:688
Animal Farm III:850–851
Anthem III:896
Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
Beloved II:795
Beowulf I:164–165
Black Boy III:1182
Black Elk Speaks I:213–214
Bless Me, Ultima I:155
Cane III:1074
Cannery Row III:1011
“Cathedral” I:262–263
“Civil Disobedience” III:1059
Color Purple III:1116
Common Sense III:861–862
Crime and Punishment I:360, 361
The Crucible II:765–766
Emma I:187–188
Ethan Frome III:1126–1127
Fences III:1162
Fine Balance II:774–776
Go Tell It on the Mountain I:197–198
Grapes of Wrath III:1014
Heart Is a Lonely Hunter II:745
Heart of Darkness I:298–299
The Hobbit III:1066

House of the Seven Gables II:529–530
Invisible Man I:391
To Kill a Mockingbird II:703
Lesson before Dying II:471–472
“Luck of Roaring Camp” II:518–519
Member of the Wedding II:748–749
Of Mice and Men III:1016
Native Son III:1183
Oedipus Rex III:1005–1006
One Hundred Years of Solitude
“Open Boat” I:305–306
O Pioneers! I:269
Optimist’s Daughter III:1119–1121
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Our Town III:1148–1149
Passage to India II:448–449
The Pearl III:1019–1020
Playboy of the Western World
Of Plymouth Plantation I:225–226
Rabbit, Run III:1096
Rape of the Lock III:887
“Rose for Emily, A” II:430–431
Salt Eaters I:200
Souls of Black Folk I:378
Surfacing I:180
Tess of the d ’Urbervilles II:514–515
Twelfth Night III:970–971
Up from Slavery III:1119
U.S.A. trilogy I:355
Waiting for the Barbarians I:294
Women of Brewster Place III:828–829
Community and Civil Society (Tonnies)
Concise Oxford Dictionary I:58
Confessions of St. Augustine, The I:92,
Brown Girl, Brownstones II:735–736
The Chosen III:889–890
Fathers and Sons III:1077
Joy Luck Club III:1049
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Woman Warrior II:667–668
“A&P” III:1094
Giver II:721–724
Painted Bird II:678
Taming of the Shrew III:964, 965
Congo II:659–663
Conliff, Mark I:63
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court,
A (Twain) I:97; III:1088–1092
Conrad, Joseph I:59, 61–62, 298–304

Constitution, U.S. I:36; III:1058, 1059
consumerism I:16–17; III:1060
control II:487, 491–493
Cooper, James Fenimore I:75; II:712
Beggar’s Opera II:483
Fine Balance II:777
One Hundred Years of Solitude II:474
Small Place II:653–655
Turn of the Screw II:619, 620
counterculture I:155; II:646
“Counterparts” ( Joyce) II:628
“Cradle Song, A” (Blake) I:216–217,
Crane, Stephen I:48, 102, 304–311
Adventures of Tom Sawyer III:1088
Beggar’s Opera II:481–484
Cry, the Beloved Country III:865–866
“Good Man Is Hard to Find”
“Murders in the Rue Morgue”
Native Son III:1185, 1186
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:880–883
Tom Jones II:436–437
Trifles II:487–491
Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky)
I:37, 59, 358–361
crossroads II:643, 645
Crucible, The (Miller) II:763–767;
cruelty I:21–23
Aeneid III:1100–1101
Animal Farm III:851–852
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Bluest Eye II:796
Candide III:1106
Catcher in the Rye III:918–919
Color Purple III:1115
Fine Balance II:777
Great Expectations I:341
Heart of Darkness I:299
Hound of the Baskervilles I:365–366
Interesting Narrative of the Life of
Olaudah Equiano I:406
King Lear III:938
Lord of the Flies II:491–492
“My Last Duchess” I:237
Outsiders II:566–567
Poisonwood Bible II:661
Prince II:727, 728
Streetcar Named Desire III:1158
suffering I:110–111
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:880–881
Things They Carried III:834, 836
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