Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Index 1209

Marx, Karl
alienation I:4–5
futility I:38
individual and society I:58
work I:121
Marxism I:53; II:494, 495
“Mask of Anarchy, The” (Shelley)
Maslow, Abraham I:6; II:467; III:1000
“Masque of the Red Death, The” (Poe)
Master Harold (Eugard) I:85–86
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” II:755
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof III:1152
On the Road II:645
Walden III:1060, 1061, 1063
matriarchy III:829
Matrix, The (film) I:75
Adventures of Tom Sawyer III:1087
Annie John II:650
Brown Girl, Brownstones II:736–737
The Hobbit III:1065
On the Road II:643, 644
Mayor of Casterbridge, The (Hardy) I:80
M. Butterfly (Hwang) I:41, 42
McCarthy, Cormac II:739–742
McCullers, Carson II:742–749
McMurtry, Larry II:749–753
Mead, Margaret I:59
Medea (Euripides) I:20, 418–421
Medved, Victoria Husted I:87
Melancthon, Monica I:89
Melville, Herman II:753–763
“Bartleby, the Scrivener” II:753–756
“Billy Budd, Sailor” II:756–759
identity I:54
Moby-Dick II:759–763
responsibility I:94
sex and sexuality I:100
Member of the Wedding, The (McCullers)
Night III:1136–1140
Out of Africa I:351–354
Woman Warrior II:667–670
memory I:69–71
Aeneid III:1100
Age of Innocence III:1124–1125
Beloved II:795
David Copperf ield I:336–337
Giver II:721–724
Glass Menagerie III:1155–1156
Going after Cacciato III:831, 833

Handmaid ’s Tale I:176
Invisible Man I:391–392
To the Lighthouse III:1175–1177
Long Day’s Journey into Night
In Memoriam A. H. H. III:1054
Midnight’s Children III:916–917
My Ántonia I:265–266
Night III:1139–1140
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Optimist’s Daughter III:1121–1122
Our Town III:1147–1148
The Pearl III:1019, 1022
Picture of Dorian Gray III:1146
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Remembrance of Things Past
Salt Eaters I:201
Separate Peace II:675
Way to Rainy Mountain II:790–791
Wide Sargasso Sea III:903–904
Women of Brewster Place III:829
“Men and Women in Othello” (Neely)
Men of Brewster Place, The (Naylor)
mental illness
Bell Jar III:869–870, 872
In Cold Blood I:255–257
“Fall of the House of Usher” III:876
“Tell-Tale Heart” III:880–882
Tender Is the Night II:443–444
Tin Drum II:498–499
Wide Sargasso Sea III:902–903
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare)
Metamorphoses (Ovid)
ambition I:6
death I:24
Midsummer Night’s Dream III:949
Pygmalion III:974
Metamorphosis, The (Kafka) I:60, 94–95;
metaphor II:633, 677, 678; III:868
Mexican War III:1057, 1058, 1060
Middle Ages
Canterbury Tales I:271–275
death I:24
illness I:56
individual and society I:58
memory I:69–70
Prince II:725
middle class
Fine Balance II:776
Passage to India II:451–452

Remembrance of Things Past
Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Middleman and Other Stories, The
(Mukherjee) II:809–813
Midnight’s Children (Rushdie) I:73, 92;
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A
(Shakespeare) I:99; III:948–953, 960,
migrants II:809–813; III:1012–1018
Milgram, Stanley I:22
Millais, J. E. I:80
Millard, Kenneth I:13
Millennium Approaches (Kushner) II:688,
689, 691
Miller, Arthur II:763–770
ambition I:7
American dream, the I:9
The Crucible II:763–767
Death of a Salesman II:767–770
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Streetcar Named Desire III:1158
success I:109
work I:122
“Miller’s Tale, The” (Chaucer) I:275
Milton, John II:770–774
ambition I:6
death I:24
Frankenstein III:978
freedom I:36
nature I:74
parenthood I:79
religion I:91
survival I:113
minimalism I:264
Misanthrope, The (Molière) II:778–781
missionaries II:659–662
Mistry, Rohinton II:774–778
Moby-Dick (Melville) I:100; II:759–763
Model of Christian Charity, A (Winthrop)
alienation I:3
Don Juan I:245
Heart of Darkness I:298
identity I:54–55
To the Lighthouse III:1174–1177
“Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
Mrs Dalloway III:1170
survival I:114
Turn of the Screw II:618, 620
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