Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

638 Kafka, Franz

financial situation, but they also actually had a small
savings from Herr Samsa’s failed business. Neverthe-
less, when Gregor is unable to contribute financially
to his family’s care, he is no longer considered a
viable member of the family; therefore, his previous
contributions do not count when his family is in such
financial crisis. In The Metamorphosis, financial debt
transforms the Samsa family from a close, loving
family to a family that betrays their son when he is
no longer able to care for them. Gregor’s transforma-
tion actually brings him freedom from his familial
obligations, but his loyalty to his family leads to his
death. Kafka’s story is a critique on family dynam-
ics and the sacrifices that must be made to keep the
family unit going.
Sumeeta Patnaik

Freedom in The Metamorphosis
Gregor Samsa’s transformation from human being
into monstrous insect is the event that opens and
closes Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. Gregor
awakens from terrible nightmares to find himself
transformed into a grotesque insect. This shock-
ing transformation allows Gregor the freedom that
he was never allowed to have as a human being.
Gregor provides his family’s primary financial sup-
port and his transformation does not allow him
to work, thereby forcing his family to become
financially responsible. Once Gregor’s transforma-
tion condemns his family to the same burden of
providing, it is then that the family realizes the
depth of the responsibility Gregor has shouldered.
Ironically, Gregor’s family comes to resent him for
not sustaining his financial responsibility, thereby
ensuring them freedom from work. Freedom is a
central theme in The Metamorphosis, with Gregor’s
transformation into an insect providing him with
the freedom that he was unable to find as a human
being. Furthermore, Gregor’s transformation also
provides his family with the freedom to pursue new
lives after Gregor’s death.
Upon awakening to his newly transformed state,
Gregor’s first thought is his anger at having to work
at a job that he so despises. As a traveling salesman,
he works long hours and rarely finds time away from
work. Indeed, Gregor fantasizes about quitting his
job and telling his boss exactly how he feels about

his position. Nevertheless, he does not admit how
much he dislikes his job, as he fears being unable
to financially provide for his parents and sister.
Gregor’s dislike of his job deepens when the head
clerk from his firm arrives and proceeds to make
veiled threats of having Gregor fired from his job
despite the fact that Gregor has never missed a day
of work in five years and was not late even on the
day that he was transformed. Even with his best
efforts to retain his position, Gregor ultimately loses
his job due to his transformation, and the financial
burden falls back on his family. Yet, Gregor finds the
freedom that his familial and financial responsibility
did not previously allow.
Gregor’s transformation from a human being
into an insect allows him to gain a personal appre-
ciation of himself. Prior to his change, Gregor rarely
did anything for himself. Even his father admitted
to the head clerk that he encouraged Gregor to
take some time out for himself, but that Gregor
often spent evenings at home either with his fam-
ily or planning his work schedule for the next day.
Gregor’s transmutation allowed him time to gain an
appreciation for himself. Physically, Gregor discov-
ers that he is much stronger than before and does
not tire as he did in his human form. As Gregor
discovers that he has become physically stronger, he
also learns that his parents are physically stronger
than he previously knew. Gregor’s transforma-
tion forces his parents into the workplace. Before
Gregor’s transmutation, his father claimed to have
been an invalid and his mother that her asthma
prevented her from engaging in work. His sister,
although physically strong, is spoiled by the family.
Now that Gregor’s parents and sister are forced into
the workplace, they discover, along with Gregor, that
they are physically capable of work and are able to
contribute to the family income. This allows Gregor
the freedom to spend his days resting, sleeping, and
watching the world from his window. Furthermore,
Gregor’s transformation allowed him to learn more
about his family, particularly his father. Before
Gregor’s transmutation, Gregor was the primary
breadwinner in the house as his father had lost the
family business. After Gregor’s change, he learns
that his father had a small savings left from the
business that could help provide for the family for
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