Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Apollon Musagète (Balanchine and Stravinsky), 743
Apollo of Bellac, The (Giraudoux), 693
Apology (Plato), 234
Apotheosis of Hercules, The (Rubens), 538, 699
Apuleius, 29, 193-197, 366
Aratus, 672
Ares (Skopas?), 123
Ares, Homeric Hymn to, 124
Argonautica, (Apollonius), 27, 588, 593-594; (Valerius
Flaccus), 29, 577, 588
Ariadne, (Vanderlyn), 701
Ariadne auf Naxos, (Mozart), 748; (Strauss), 713
Arianna (Monteverdi), 706
Aristophanes, 186-189; Birds, 53; Clouds, 668; Frogs,
351, 540
Aristotle, 18, 25, 483^84
Arnold, Matthew, 688-689
Arpino, Gerald, 746
Arp, Jean, 318
Ars Amatoria (Ovid), 561
Artemis, Homeric Hymn to, 200
Artemis of Ephesus, 209
Artemis the Huntress, 201
Art of Hercules: The Chaos of Creation, The (Rebello), 750
Ascanio in Alba (Mozart), 709
Asclepius, Homeric Hymns to, 241-242
Ashbery, John, 726
Astronomica (Manilius), 672-673
Athena (Andocides Painter), 165
"Athena" (Townshend), 730
Athena, Homeric Hymn to, 157-169, 167
Athena Parthenos (Leipen), 162
Athenian Constitution (Aristotle), 18
"Atlantis" (Leitch), 730
Atlas and Prometheus (Laconian), 83-86
"Atlas, Der" (Schubert), 710
Atonement of Pan, The (Hadley), 721
Atrahasis, 99
Attis (Moeus), 722
Attone (Handel), 708
Atys (Lully), 707
"Atys" (Schubert), 710
Augustine, St., 669-670
Aulularia (Plautus), 641
Aurora (unknown), 60
Austin, Larry Don, 722
Authoress of the Odyssey, The (Butler), 727
Avalon, Frankie, 730
Avenger, The (film), 749

Babbit, Milton, 721-722, 734
Babile, Jean, 746
Bacchae (The Bacchic Women) (Euripides), 30, 274-289,
Bacchae, The (Russo), 730
Bacchanal (Hesselius), 701
Bacchanalle Nos 1&2 (Graham), 742
Bacchantes (film, Ferroni), 752
Bacchus and Ariadne, (Hesselius), 701
Bacchus and Ariane, (Massenet), 711
Bacchylides of Ceos, 142; Dithyrambs, 557, 558;
Epinician Ode, 529, 609
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 707

Bakchantinnen, Die (Wellesz), 712
Balanchine, George, 742-744
Baleful Head, The (Burne-Jones), 515
Banks, Tony, 729
Barber, Samuel, 725-726, 741-742
Barnefield, R., 727
Barocci, Federico, 478
Barton, John, 416
Bassarids, The (Henze), 712
Beautiful Galatea, The (Suppé), 714-715
Bedford, David, 730
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 709
Belle et la Bête, La (Glass), 723
Belle Hélène, La (Offenbach), 714, 748
Bellini, Giovanni, 696
Bellini, Vincenzo, 710
Benet, Stephen Vincent, 747
Benoât de St. Maure, 676
Beremenyi, Geza, 755
"Berenice's Lock" (Catullus), 668-669
Berlin painter, 250-251
Berlioz, Hector, 711, 748
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 151, 239
Bernstein, Leonard, 715-716
Bible, 318, 483
Bibliotheca (Library of Greek Mythology) (Apollodorus),
Birds (Aristophanes), 53
Birth of Aphrodite, (unknown), 172
Birth of Athena, (Athens), 158
Birth of Venus (Botticelli), 696
Birtwistle, Harrison, 714
Black Medea: A Tangle of Serpents (Ferlita), 734
Black Orpheus (film, Camus), 754
Blake, William, 70
Blavis, T. de, 671
Blegen, Carl, 42^3
Blinding of Polyphemus, The (Eleusis), 488
Bliss, Arthur, 714
Blitzstein, Marc, 727
Blood of a Poet, The (film, Cocteau), 754
Blow, John, 707
Boccaccio, 677
Boethius, 674
Boito, Arrigo, 711
Bologna, Giovanni, 268
Bonfa, Luis, 754
Book 10, 177-178
"Book of the Dead", Aeneid, 339-349; Nekuia, 490-491;
Odyssey, 328-334
Borges, Jorge Luis, 693
Botticelli, 696
Boucher, François, 700
Boultenhouse, Charles, 746
Boys from Syracuse, The (Rodgers and Hart), 732,
Brahms, Johannes, 710, 746
Braque, Georges, 148, 701
Brecht, Bertholt, 728
Breuer, Lee, 734, 748
Britten, Benjamin, 713-714
Brooks, Albert, 755
Brot und Wein (Hôlderlin), 685-686
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