Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Dardanus, (Rameau), 707; (Sacchini), 709
Dares Phrygius (the Phrygian), 676
Dassin, Jules, 751-752
David, Jacques-Louis, 452, 659
Davis, Anthony, 745
Davis, Chip, 730-731
Death in Venice, (Britten), 713-714; (Mann), 713-714
Death of Actaeon (Pan Painter), 205
Death of Adonis (Denishawn), 739
Death of Agamemnon (Dokimasia painter), 410
Death of a God (Denishawn), 739
Death of a Monster (Picasso), 560
Death ofNessus, The (Attic), 536
Death of Sarpedon, The (Euphronios), 439
Death of Semele, The (Rubens), 275
Death of the Bull God (Denishawn), 739
Death of the Children ofNiobe (Niobid painter), 202
Debussy, Claude, 746
De Civitate Dei (City of God) (St. Augustine), 669-670
De Deis Gentium (Giraldi), 677
Deer Hunter, The (film), 755
De Excidio Troiae (Dares Phrygius), 676
De Genealogia Deorum (Boccaccio), 677
Deidamia (Handel), 708
Deidamia and Eurytion (Temple of Zeus at Olympia),
Delacroix, Eugène, 355
Delian Apollo, Homeric Hymn to, 226-230
Délivrance de Thésée, La (Milhaud), 711
Delusion of the Fury (Partch), 724-725
Demeter (Arp), 318; (of Cnfdus), 308, 669
Demeter, Homeric Hymn to, 307
"Demeter/Rejoicing" (Cossu), 730
DeMille, Agnes, 732
De Natura Deorum (Cicero), 626
Denishawn (Ted Shawn and Ruth St. Denis), 737-739
Departure of Triptolemus, The (Makron), 320
De Rerum Natura (Lucretius), 453, 636, 673
Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld (Anonymous),
Desire under the Elms (O'Neill), 224, 692, 752
de Vigènere, Blaise, 696
Dialogo della Musica Antica e della Moderna (Galilei), 705
Dialogues of the Gods (Lucian), 28, 438-443
Diana and Actaeon (Nureyev), 745
Diana and Endymion (Denishawn), 737, 739
Dictys Cretensis, 676
Dido and Aeneas, (Morris), 746; (Purcell), 707
Dido and Anna (Allston), 651
Diegues, Carlos, 754
Diodorus Siculus, 669
Dionysiaca (Nonnus), 297
Dionysus (Boultenhouse), 746
Dionysus and Ariadne, (Derveni Krater), 563;
(sarcophagus), 562
Dionysus, Homeric Hymn to, 291, 295-296
Dionysus with Satyrs and Maenads (Athenian), 295
Dioscuri, Homeric Hymn to, 436-437
Discourses of Hermes, 270
"Dithyrambe" (Schubert), 710
Dithyrambic (Graham), 742
Dithyrambs (Bacchylides), 557, 558
Djawida, 69

Doctor Faustus (Marlowe), 470, 681
Donen, Stanley, 747
Donovan, 730
Doolittle, Hiilda (H.D.), 691
Dôrpfeld, Wilhelm, 43
Dossi, Dosso, 489
Douris, 579
Dover, 21
Down to Earth (film, Hall), 755
Dragonslayer (film), 755
Dream of Passion, A (film, Dassin), 751
Druckman, Jacob, 729
Dryden, John, 686
Dumézil, Georges, 660
Duncan, Isadora, 735-736
Duncan, Ronald, 713
Dune, 756
Durer, Albrecht, 697-698
Earth Mother of All, Homeric Hymn to, 55
Eaton, John C, 722
Echo and Narcissus (Poussin), 300
Echo et Narcisse (Gluck), 708
Echoi (Foss), 722
"Echo's Song" (Rorem), 727
Eclogues (Sannazaro), 678
Ecuba (Malipiero), 711
Edipo Rè (Leoncavallo), 711
Ekstasis (Graham), 741
El-Dabh, Halim, 741
Electra, (Cacoyannis), 752; (Euripides), 407, 412, 414,
427^34; (Giraudoux), 416; (Graham), 742; (Sophocles),
30, 414, 420-427
Electra or the Fall of the Masks (Yourcenar), 693
Electronics (Balanchine), 744
Elegiac Overture (Chadwick), 721
Elektra, (Strauss), 712-713, 748
Eliade, Mircea, 5-6
Eliot, T.S., 416, 541, 691-692
Elis, Richard, 747
Elkus, Jonathan, 728
"Elysium" (Schubert), 710
Emblemata, (Alciati), 696; (Mignault), 696
Emerson, Keith, 729
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 690
Emmeline (Picker), 728
Empedocles, 53
"End, The" (Morrison), 729
Endymion (Keats), 688
Endymion Sarcophagus, 59
Endymion's Narrative, a Concert Overture (Converse),
Enesco, Georges, 712
Enfants Terribles, Les (Glass), 723
Engel, Lehman, 741
Enlèvement d'Europe, U (Milhaud), 711
Ennius, 624, 635, 653-654, 669
"Entsuhnte Orest, Der" (Schubert), 710
Enuma Elish ("When above"), 97, 99
Epinician Ode (Bacchylides), 529, 609
Er (Plato), 28, 334-339
Ercole Amante (Hercules in Love) (Cavelli), 706
Erdman, Jean, 746
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