Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Erechtheus (Euripides), 551
Ergotimos, 610-611
Ernst, Max, 393
Eroica (Beethoven), 709
Erostosthenes, Pseudo-Eratosthenes, 670
Errand into the Maze, (Graham), 741; (Menotti), 715
Etymologiae (Isidore), 670
Euhemerus, 6, 669-670
Eumelos of Corinth, 584, 588, 612
Eumenides (Aeschylus), 412
Eumenides, Les (Milhaud), 711
Euphronios, 445, 559
Euphrosyne (Converse), 721
Euridice, (Peri), 706
Euripides, Aeolus, 617; Alcestis, 242; Andromache, 415;
Bacchae (The Bacchic Women), 30, 274-289, 400; Electra,
407, 412, 414, 427^34; Erechtheus, 551; Hecuba, 471;
Heracles, 522, 529-530, 540, 566; Heraclidae, 541;
Hippolytus, 210-224, 565, 566; Ion, 551, 554; Iphigenia
among the Taurians, 30; Iphigenia in Aulis, 30, 409;
Iphigenia in Tauris, 415; Medea, 551, 565, 580, 584-585,
587, 589-600; Oedipus, 392; Orestes, 411; Phoenissae,
Phoenician Women, 378, 392, 395, 397, 609; Rhesus, 30;
Stheneboea, 615; Suppliant Women, 395, 565, 566; Trojan
Women, 477
Eurydice, (Anouilh), 692; (Doolittle), 691
Evadne (Kabat), 723
Evans, Sir Arthur, 39
Fabius Pictor, 646
Faerie Queen (Spenser), 575, 682
Fagles, Robert, 30
"Fahrt zum Hades" (Schubert), 710
Fall of Icarus, The (Brueghel), 568
Family Reunion, The (Eliot), 416, 691-692
Farnese Hercules, The (Glycon), 542
Fasti (Ovid), 28, 624, 627, 631, 633, 636-637, 652
Fauré, Gabriel, 711
Faust (Goethe), 470, 685
Feast of the Gods (Bellini), 696
Fénelon, François, 683
Ferlita, Ernest, 734
Ferroni, George, 752
Festival of Pan, a Romance (Converse), 721
Fête d'Hébé, Les (Rameau), 707
Fibich, Zdenêk, 711
Fine, Vivian, 728, 741
Fleg, Edmond, 712
Flies, The (Sartre), 416
"Flight of Icarus" (Iron Maiden), 729
Flindt, Flemming, 747
Foley, Helene P., 18
Fone, Byrne, 21
Foss, Lukas, 722, 729
"Fountain of Salmacis, The" (Genesis), 729
Fragment 113 (Kabat), 723
"Fragment aus dem Aeschylus" (Schubert), 710
Francis, Connie, 730
Franck, César, 710, 746
François Vase, The (Ergotimos and Kleitias), 610-611
Frazer, James G., 11, 638
Freed, Isadora, 728
Freedman, Bob, 730

Freer, Eleanor Everest, 728
"Freiwilliges Versinken" (Schubert), 710
Freud, Sigmund, Freudian(s), 7-10, 392-395
Fried, Michael, 722
friezes (Parthenon), 159-161
Frogs (Aristophanes), 351, 540
Frogs, The (Sondheim), 733
Fry, Christopher, 693
Fugitive Kind, The (film), 753-754
Fulgentius, 29, 670-672
Funeral of Patroclus, The (Darius painter), 467
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A
(Sondheim), 732-733; (film), 748

Gabichvadze, Revaz, 747
Galatée (Lully), 707
Galilei, Vincenzo, 705
Gallus, 670
"Ganymed", (Schubert), 710; (Wolf), 710
Ganymed (Goethe), 685
Gamier, 683
Garwood, Margaret, 728
Gassman, Remil, 744
Gate of Hell (film, Inagaki), 749
Genesis (group), 729
George Washington (Greenough), 701
Giasone (Cavelli), 706
Gide, André, 692, 726
Gigantomachy (Delphi), 67
Gilbert, W.S and Arthur Sullivan, 715
Gilgamesh, Epic of, 102
Gillis, Christopher, 746
Giraldi, 677
Giraudoux, Jean, 416, 692-693
Giulio Cesare (Handel), 708
Glanville-Hicks, Peggy, 727-728
Glass, Philip, 723, 747
Gluck, Christoph Willibald, 708, 736, 741, 748
Glycon, 543
Gnossienne (Denishawn), 739
Goddess of Love (film), 755
Godhead Fires, The (Burne-Jones), 175
Gods of Greece, The (Schiller), 684
God the Reveler (Hawkins), 744
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 470, 685
Golden Apple, The (Moross and Latouche), 716, 733
Golden Ass (Metamorphoses), see Metamorphoses
Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 11, 638
Golding, Arthur, 679
Goltzius, Hendrik, 544
Gomme, A. W., 18
Gorgon (film), 754
Gospel at Colonus, The (Telson and Breuer), 716, 734,
"Gôtter Greichenlands, Die" (Schubert), 710
Gounod, Charles, 711
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco, 62
Gradus, Lawrence, 745
Graham, Martha, 5, 715, 739-742
Grande Olympe, 698
Grant, Michael, 588
Graves, Robert, 11, 727-728
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