Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Greek Dancer in Silhouette (Denishawn), 737
Greek Homosexuality (Dover), 21
Greek Scene (Denishawn), 737
Greek Veil Plastique (Denishawn), 737
Greenfield, Amy, 745, 753
Greenough, Horatio, 701
Greenwald, Robert, 755
Gregor, Joseph, 713
Greystoke (film), 755
"Gruppe aus dem Tartarus" (Schubert), 710
Guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu, La (Giraudoux), 693
Guido Délie Colonne, 676
Guthrie, W. K. C., 65-66

Hackett, Steve, 729
Hades and Persephone (Locri), 309
Hadley, Henry Kimball, 721
Hall, Alexander, 755
Hamadryad (Erdman), 746
Handel, George Frideric, 708
Hanson, Howard, 745
Happiest Girl in the World, The (Harburg), 733
Harbison, John, 744
Harburg, E. L., 733
Harman, Barry, 732
Harpies, The (Blitzstein), 727
Harrison, Jane, 11, 736
Harrison, Lou, 727
Harrison, Tony, 729
Harryhausen, Ray, 750-751, 754
Hart, Lorenz and Richard Rodgers, 732, 747-748
Hawkins, Erick, 744
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 588, 690, 701
Haydn, Franz Joseph, 709
Hecataeus, 585
Hector and Achilles (Pinney), 465
Hector and Andromache (Hadley), 721
Hecuba (Euripides), 471
"Hektors Abschied" (Schubert), 710
Helen of Troy (film), 749; (Lichine), 746; (Ruby), 732
"Heliopolis 1" (Schubert), 710
Helius, Homeric Hymn to, 57
Hellanicus, 646
Henderson, Alva, 728
Henry VIII (Shakespeare), 359
Henze, Hans Werner, 712
Hephaestus, Homeric Hymn to, 117
Hera (Greek bronze), 112
Hera, Homeric Hymn to, 113
Hera, Hung from the Sky (Ivey), 723
Heracles, (Eaton), 722; (Euripides), 522, 540, 566
Heracles and Apollo Struggle for the Pythian Tripod (Geras
painter), 535
Heracles and the Cercopes (Selinus), 531
Heracles, Assisted by Athena, Cleans the Augean Stables
(temple of Zeus), 526
Heracles Prodicius (Thulden), 542
Heracles Shows Cereberus to Eurystheus (Caere), 529
Heracles, the Lion-Hearted, Homeric Hymn to (15), 541
Heraclidae (Euripides), 541
Heraclitus of Ephesus, 667
Herbert, Victor, 730
Hercules, (Disney film), 750; (film), 750; (Handel), 708

Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra (Moreau), 524, 700
Hercules and the Moon Men (film), 750
Hercules aufdem Scheidewege (Cantata 213) (Bach), 707
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (film), 750
Hercules Unchained (film), 750
Hercules Victor (The Farnese Hercules) (Goltzius), 544
Hermes, (Euaion painter), 269; (Praxiteles), 669
Hermes, Homeric Hymn to, 257-267
Hermes Ordering Calypso to Release Odysseus (Lairesse), 485
herms, 268-269
Hero and Leander (Marlowe), 681
Herodotus, 23, 27, 133-144, 539
Heroes, The (Kingsley), 588
Heroides (Ovid), 577, 616
Hesiod, 30, 51, 72-74, 560. See also Theogony; Works and
Hesselius, Gustavus, 701
Hestia Giustiniani, 112
Hestia, Homeric Hymn to (24), 109-110
Hiera, 323
Hipployte et Aricie (Rameau), 707
Hippocrates of Cos, 241
Hippodamia (Fibich), 711
"Hippolit's Lied" (Schubert), 710
Hippolyte (Gamier), 683
Hippolyte et Aricie (Rameau), 707
Hippolytus (Euripides), 210-224, 565, 566
History of the Persian Wars (Herodotus), 136-143
Hjelm, Keve, 751
Hochzeit von Herkules und Hebe, Die (Gluck), 708
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 712-713
Hôlderlin, 685-686
Homer, Homeric, 46-47. See also Iliad; Odyssey
Homeric Hymns, 27; to Aphrodite, 61,115-117,171,174,
180-186; to Apollo, 226-230, 245, 246-254; to Ares, 124;
to Artemis, 200; to Asclepius, 242; to Athena, 157-169,
167; to Demeter, 307; to Dionysus, 291, 295-296; to the
Dioscuri, 436-437; to Earth Mother of All, 55; to Helius,
57; to Hephaestus, 117; to Hera, 113; to Heracles, the
Lion-Hearted, 541; to Hermes, 257-267; to Hestia,
109-110; to the Mother of the Gods, 65; to the Muses and
Apollo, 125; to Pan, 299; to Poseidon, 152; to Selene, 58;
to the Supreme Son of Cronus, 125
Homeric Hymn to Demeter (Duncan), 736
Homeric Hymn to Demeter, The (Foley), 18
Homer's Daughter (Graves), 728
Home Sweet Home (Lee), 734
Homophobia (Fone), 21
Honegger, Arthur, 711
Hopkinson, Francis, 717-719
Horace, 638-639
Horst, Louis, 740, 742
Hosmer, Harriet, 511, 701
Hovhaness, Alan, 742, 744
Hoving, Lucas, 746
Hughes, Ted, 30
"Hunting Cantata" 208 (Bach), 707
Hygini Poeticon Astronomicon Liber (de Blavis), 671
Hyginus, 29, 670-671
Hylas and the Nymphs (Waterhouse), 532
Hyman, Dick, 730
Hymns (Callimachus), 401
Hymn (or Invocation) to Aphrodite (Sappho), 17
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