Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
persistent(poer SIST int) n.1. refusing to give up; unrelenting; stubborn;

  1. lasting without change; 3. constantly repeated

    • The usher was persistentin asking the noisy couple to leave the theater.

    • Yosemite Park’s El Capitan has been persistentin resisting the ravages of
      wind and rain.

    • Rote learning is the result of persistentrepetition of the same information
      rather than understanding.
      [-ly adv.]
      persnickety(poer SNIK i tee) adj.1. too fussy; too particular or precise; fastidious;

  2. showing or needing very careful treatment

    • Hazel was very persnicketyabout how her bedding was folded in the linen

    • The persnicketyNurse Cratchett obsessed about the dressings on her home
      care patients.

Quick Review #63.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

P – Q: SAT Words 179

  1. performance

  2. perfunctory

  3. periphery

  4. perishable

  5. permanence

  6. permeate

  7. perpetrator

  8. perpetuate

  9. perplex

  10. persevere

  11. persistent

  12. persnickety

a. preserve

b. fastidious

c. accomplishment

d. constancy

e. persist

f. superficial

g. infest

h. stubborn

i. outskirts

j. doer

k. puzzle

l. spoilable

perspective*(poer SPEK tiv) n.1. the artistic picturing of things so as to repre-
sent a three-dimensional portrait using two-dimensional drawings by use of lines
that converge at a vanishing point; 2. the effect of relative distances on how objects
appear; 3. the relationships and proportions of parts to each other and to the
whole; 4. a point of view in judging things or events

  • The artist’s perspectivemakes things disappear in the distance, giving the
    viewer the feeling of three dimensions.

  • Perspectivemakes nearer objects appear larger than distant ones.

  • To avoid blowing things out of proportion, we must view them in the
    perspectiveof how they relate to the whole.

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