Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

absorb (ab ZAWRB) vt.1. to suck up; 2. to take up the full energy or attention
of; engross; 3. to take in and incorporate; 4. to assume the full cost

  • The sponge absorbedthe entire spill.

  • Learning fractions absorbedHailee’s full attention.

  • If we fail to absorbthe lessons of history, we are doomed to repeat them.

  • I’ll absorbthe charge for the window replacement.
    [-ed, -ing, absorbant adj.]
    abstain(ab STAYN) vi.to hold back (from); refrain from

  • I shall abstainfrom smoking or drinking.

  • Three voted for the bill, two against it, and one abstained.
    [-ed, -ing, abstention n.]
    abstract (ab STRAKT for adj.,AB strakt for n., v.) adj.1. not concrete; thought of
    apart from any material object; 2. not easily understood —n. a brief statement of
    the content of a book, court case, article, etc.; a summary —vt.to remove or take
    away; to summarize

  • I had an abstractidea of what he meant, but nothing solid.

  • Frankie’s ideas were too abstractto fully comprehend.

  • We knew about the case from having read the abstract.

  • Abstractthe story, stating only the relevant facts.
    [-ed, -ing, abstraction n., abstractly adv.]
    absurd(ab SOERD orab ZOEHRD) adj.1. so obviously untrue as to be laugh-
    able; 2. laughably different from what is reasonable

  • The story that his arms were tired because he had just flown in from Los
    Angeles was absurd.

  • The outfit that Gino wore with the red and white striped shirt and the
    green and yellow checked pants was absurd.
    [absurdly adv., absurdity n.]
    accentuate(ak SEN choo ayt) vt.1. to pronounce or mark with a stress or
    accent; 2. emphasize

  • When you tell people about your vacation, accentuatethe high points and
    play down the low points.

  • Wear clothing that accentuatesyour youthful looks.
    [-d, accentuating, accentuation n.]
    acceptable(ak SEPT ibl) adj.adequate; tolerable; bearable; okay

  • Eating peas at a restaurant using only your knife is not considered accept-

  • Dressing in a toga is considered acceptableat certain fraternity parties.

8 Essential Vocabulary

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