amenity (uh MEN i tee) n.1. pleasing quality; attractiveness; 2. a pleasant or
desirable feature; something that adds to one’s comfort —pl.the courteous manners
and pleasant acts of polite social behavior
- The tropical scenery is only one amenityof Hawaii.
- Hawaii’s climate is an additional amenityof the place.
- The restaurant’s servers and hostesses demonstrated all the amenities one
would expect at those prices.
[amenities pl.]
Quick Review #5.
Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.
A: SAT Words 19
- agreement
- ailment
- alacrity
- alchemy
- alienate
- ally
- alter
- although
- altruism
- ambiguous
- ambivalence
- amenity
a. magic
b. vary
c. selflessness
d. despite
e. conflict
f. contract
g. unclear
h. pleasantness
i. estrange
j. illness
k. associate
l. eagerness
amicable(AM i kuh bl) adj.feeling friendly; demonstrating goodwill; peaceable
- Alice and her husband Ted had an amicablediscussion about putting in a
flower garden in the spring. - Bob and Carol separated on amicableterms.
[amicably adv., amicability n.]
among(uh MUHNG) prep. 1. In the midst of; surrounded by; included in a group
of; 2. from place to place in; 3. in the number or group of; 4. by or with a lot of - You are amongfriends.
- He passed among the crowd.
- Ralph is included amongthe supporters of the president.
- Machiavelli’s work is popular amongbusiness executives.