Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

amenity (uh MEN i tee) n.1. pleasing quality; attractiveness; 2. a pleasant or
desirable feature; something that adds to one’s comfort —pl.the courteous manners
and pleasant acts of polite social behavior

  • The tropical scenery is only one amenityof Hawaii.

  • Hawaii’s climate is an additional amenityof the place.

  • The restaurant’s servers and hostesses demonstrated all the amenities one
    would expect at those prices.
    [amenities pl.]

Quick Review #5.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

A: SAT Words 19

  1. agreement

  2. ailment

  3. alacrity

  4. alchemy

  5. alienate

  6. ally

  7. alter

  8. although

  9. altruism

  10. ambiguous

  11. ambivalence

  12. amenity

a. magic

b. vary

c. selflessness

d. despite

e. conflict

f. contract

g. unclear

h. pleasantness

i. estrange

j. illness

k. associate

l. eagerness

amicable(AM i kuh bl) adj.feeling friendly; demonstrating goodwill; peaceable

  • Alice and her husband Ted had an amicablediscussion about putting in a
    flower garden in the spring.

  • Bob and Carol separated on amicableterms.
    [amicably adv., amicability n.]
    among(uh MUHNG) prep. 1. In the midst of; surrounded by; included in a group
    of; 2. from place to place in; 3. in the number or group of; 4. by or with a lot of

  • You are amongfriends.

  • He passed among the crowd.

  • Ralph is included amongthe supporters of the president.

  • Machiavelli’s work is popular amongbusiness executives.

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